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Old 26th June 2009, 07:24 AM
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-- In ROBINSON'S - Tnn. Charoen Krung - cubicle #1. has been re-opened and is available for public use; the spy hole through the partition with cubicle #2. has not been closed, (any closure depends upon the wishes of an user.).
- BTS.: Saphan Taksin, (S6.),.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 29th June 2009, 08:14 AM
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-- Y'day., (28th.), afternoon and having handled a couple of matters in the ARNOMA HOTEL, on Tnn. Ratchadamri, I went next door to BIG C - R'DAMRI..
- ETA.: approx. 15.45.hrs..
- A walk-around shewed a couple of pieces of eye-candy and few, very few, young & Thai men; most of whom seemed to prefer eachother's company.

-- I followed an interesting piece of eye-candy - spikey & dyed blonde hair, pale complexion, tight trousers shewing-off his endowments - but lost him in CENTRAL - CHIT LOM, (so careless of me!],.
- I then walked-around the general area of BIG C and noted the progress of all the demolition works - not any places to take anyone else that I could see.

-- Back into BIG C. at around 18.hrs. for a cup of coffee and to read a 'paper. before going 'Walking & looking.' again. Nothing to report - quiet.
- In one of the hawng nahm I noticed quite an attractive young man: average height, round & cheerful face, wearing a black tee shirt with white trim on collar and sleeves and a BIG C logo. on LEFT breast, black trousers and carrying the Sec. Gds'. std. & dark red walkie-talkie set. - Also noted several other men wearing dark blue jackets & trousers patrolling around - possibly another variety of Sec. Gd.?
- In general Sec. Gds. not over-active, but janitresses were MORE so.

-- I left at around 20.hrs. to return home - just as the evening's rains started!
-- Bibi. --
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Old 1st July 2009, 08:16 AM
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-- Today, (1st.], I took a walk through BIG C - R'DAMRI. before and after lunch..
- Arrived around 11.3O.hrs. to see quite a few students, pieces of eye-candy and young men - but neither janitresses nor Sec. Gds.. In the hawng nahm on one floor a couple of young men were displaying themselves to eachother - but that was about all the action that I saw.
- After lunch. I was there from about 13.3O.hrs. and saw more Sec. Gds. & J'tresses. than young men; I didn't stay very long.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 24th July 2009, 03:05 AM
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-- Today, (24th.), afternoon I walked-by the former TT PUB., (ex???), on Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.), between the MANGO TREE RESTAURANT and SOLID BAR.
- Men were at work on the roof and turns of twisted & used-looking electric wiring were piled-up outside the door.
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Old 24th July 2009, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
Today, (24th.), afternoon I walked-by the former TT PUB., (ex???), on Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.), between the MANGO TREE RESTAURANT and SOLID BAR.
when I walked past the other night there was a woman outside the bar, she said a new "pussy" show bar was opening soon - ping pong balls, darts, the works. she was unimpressed when I expressed more interest in bananas in other orifices!

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Old 6th August 2009, 01:09 AM
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-- Y'day., (05th.), after purchasing tkts. for the Beijing Acrobatics' Troupe -
30 aug. at 14. & 19.hrs. - HUAMARK Indoors' Stadium, (part of R'haeng. Uni. Complex.), tkt. info. from > Cavecreek | Products & Services. < - I found that I had some unexpected time on my hands, so how better than to employ it usefully?

- loc'n. & BTS.: Wireless rd., Phloen Chit, (E2.),;
- ETA. - ETD.: 12.05. - 13.15.hrs., approx.;
- Nothing To Report,(NTR.),; possibly the late a'noon./early evening - when the offices' crowds would be leaving - might be better? My earlier visit of some time back would indicate that.

- BTS.: On Nut, (E9.),;
- ETA.-ETD. - 13.45. - 14.30.hrs.;
- 1fl. hawng nahm was NTR.;
- GF. hawng nahm, for both times that I visited, had a not so young and tough working guy hanging around who was both looking and shewing. Both times I was invited to go into cubicle #8., offers I was able to refuse.

- Then back to BTS. Phra Kanong, (E7.), to pick-up the #133. 'bus. to take me to SEACON SQUARE -
- addr.: 904, Tnn. Srinakarin, Nongnon, Khet Prawet,
BKK. 10250.;
- loc'n.: Tnn. S'karin., (let's say approx. 4M. due WEST of S'BHUMI.INT'L. AIRPORT.),;
- Google Earth co-ords.: roughly 100-38-52.E.x13-41-40.N.;
- fare & journey's time: 08.Bh., 45mins.;
- ETA.-ETD.: 16.-17.15.hrs.;
- Basically SEACON SQ. is a v. large Shopping Mall with a Robinson's Dept. store and many smaller shops & stalls - the latter in what may be described as two & similar wings: two hanwg nahm on each floor in each wing;
- NTR.; although in one of the GF. hawn nahm - walk through R'son's. to the junction of the 2 wings, note an optical shop on your RHS., and in the hawng nahm roughly in from of you are 3 cubicles with spy-holes.

- Then to SERI CENTRE -
- loc'n.: to the SOUTH and further along Tnn. S'karin. towards the Bagna-Trad rd.;
- Google Earth co-ords.: roughly 100-38-51.E.x13-41-15.N.;
- ETA.-ETD.: 18.15.-19.oo.hrs.;
- NTR.; but several indications that possibly several yrs. ago its hawng nahms were busier than they were y'day.; inter-cubicle partitions come-DOWN to just a few inches above the floor.

-- Then to KING RAMA IX PARK -
- loc'n.: at end of Tnn. S'karin. soi 55.;
- Google Earth co-ords.: 100-39-44.E.x13-41-14.N.;
- approx. 15mins.walk along Soi 55, (taxi m/cs. outside the PK. for one's return journey.),;
- ETA.-ETD.: 19.30.-20.oo.hrs.;
- A v. large park; MORE family oriented than say LUMPINI PK. with both wimen & children using the various exercise machines; not so well illuminated as either LUMPINI and SARANROM PKS.; not many signs of Sec. Gds. on patrol;
- I'd say that one needs to arrive there during the hrs. of daylight so as to carry-out a thorough recce..

-- Then back to Tnn. S'karin. to pick-up the #133. 'bus. and back home;
- NB.: On its return journey to Cent'l. BKK. this 'bus. does not go to BTS. P. Kanong Stn. but turns LEFT to go along Tnn. Rama IV. - so jump OFF the 'bus. as soon as it's made its LEFT turn.

-- E&OE.. --
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Old 6th August 2009, 10:32 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

That's interesting Sextile...I also was at Rama IX park(at least twice as large as Lumpini) a few days back and while it is well-developed, very well maintained and has many areas with virgin jungle, the sign on the gate said the opening hours were from 5am 'til 7pm and at about 18:40, the guards were sounding the Last Whistle all around the I left too early...I am sure there should be action there somewhere....probably nearer the southern end where the cycle oval is situated and groups of youths hang out there.
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Old 7th August 2009, 07:25 AM
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-- Khun Yannawa,
- Thanks for your thoughts about RAMA IX PARK.
- From the map posted inside I looked-at the oval, too, but as it was getting on I didn't venture thither at that time but decided that a daylight recce. first would be MORE prudent.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 7th August 2009, 07:22 PM
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How very interesting... I was there last Sunday for the general hortic sites & sights and well you know... A lot of young couples with tiny kids enjoying themselves. Exhorbitant entrance fee of 10 baht. Still 3 bht to have a pee... LOL. A big tidy and developing area and not many folk... But then I was only there for a couple of hours.

A lot of verrrry cute security boys. Some followed me thru the orchid and fernery to make sure I was safe. How DO they get into their long pants in the morning... So tight. Anyway just a couple of innocent photos for orientation.

View from entrance

The grand central building describing His Majesties many achievements

One of the many thrilling (to me) vistas

I hope not too off our favourite topic... But then may be if you can see what is there you will come and then... bees/honey etc
The large aboreal maze (3M heght) at the right of the entrance looks like fun.
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Old 8th August 2009, 03:13 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Oh! I missed the entrance fee...but I suppose that's what the little kiosk is for. A bit like the Bht2 platform tickets you are supposed to buy at Hua Lampong station if you are not a only pay if you want...or if you know you are supposed to pay.

What was your recollection about closing times? The sign I thought said 7pm and whistles were blown but I did note people still walking in at 7. Sexytiler seemed to imply it was later. Maybe I was confused and the 7pm was a deadline for something hookers or joggers or for cars. The closing time really matters...because a park like that closing at 7pm or 9pm is the difference between chalk and cheese. One is pretty uninteresting and the other is fantastic.
The maze was good, but some unofficial shortcuts saved me fortunately.
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Old 8th August 2009, 06:06 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

Sorry cannot remember the closing times. I was there middle of the day.

Yes the maze looks very interesting. This is the entrance...

Here is the park map probably too small to see much but gives you the general geog.
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Old 8th August 2009, 10:50 PM
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-- Khun TST.,
- Thanks for this map, which - I'm sure - will be most useful to future cruisers!
-- Bibi. --
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Old 5th September 2009, 07:12 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Cool don't understand urinal looking also

Hi--I'm new member, and I have to agree with the earlier poster who just doesn't understand the waste-of-time of standing and looking at urinals. I think it's pathetic. When I cruise, I want actual sex, and I want to go somewhere and do it.

I also never understood the bar scene--wasting time "existing" in a bar for hours. It's some uniquely queer thing to waste time, play mind games, socialize without ever accomplishing anything--and I depise these people for ruining the scene for us who want action.
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Old 5th September 2009, 09:48 PM
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And we don't understand why you come here to CRUISING FOR SEX if you find it all so pathetic!

I've owned this site for 12 years and I don't think I've ever done this but please do us both a favor (using your words): stop wasting our time and your time. Stop ruining THIS scene for the rest of us.
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Old 6th September 2009, 12:07 AM
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Well said Keith. Thanks for stepping in.
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