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Old 13th January 2010, 08:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 326

Has anyone cruised Banglamphoo (Banglamphu?) (Ngam-Wong-Wran?) department store (which I see on my map is just north of Khao San Rd)? About 7 or 8 years ago, a Thai I met while cruising in old World Trade Center told me that was a good place to cruise. I never figured out what it was until I saw it on a map recently (while studying where Palace Hotel was).

Also, has anyone cruised that general Khao San Rd area? I know it's probably a straight farang area, but one never knows. When I went with the one hustler to the hotel next to Palace Hotel, on the way there, the Thai guy saw one of his hustler friends near there and yelled greetings. It appeared that this whole area could have cruising potential.
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Old 14th January 2010, 06:07 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Chamchuri square ... .

[I]-- Today, (14th.), mid-a'noon. I went to CHAMCHURI SQ. - MRT. Sam Yan.
... .
-- I then ascended to 18fl. and checked-in with the newish 'One Stop Svce. Cntr.' provided by the Immig'n. Bureau, who confirmed for me - a BKK. resident - that they would handle my 90 days' Notifications. and Exit & Re-entry Visas., but not Annual Visa renewals, (for wch. go out to their new offices on Tnn. Chang Wattana!),. Their staff was not busy at that time.
... . [/i]

-- Alas, no longer true unless one is here under the aegis of Some Board of Investment pgm.; now all Retirees must go-out now to the Main Office at Tnn. Chang Watthana. (Y'day., [25th.], I was cruising-around CHAMCHURI SQ. and in view of rumors heard decided to verify for myself.),.
- However, all are not lost as not too far away from the Immig'n. Bureau is -

- addr.: 688/58, Laksi sq.,
Tnn. Chang Watthana, moo 7.,
Khet Lak Si, BKK. 10200.;
- tel.: (02)-970-1305.;
-- E&OE. as I've not visited.

-- There may be other places worth visiting and within a reasonable distance, (say 5M.), of the Immig'n. Bureau?
- THE MALL - NGAM WONGWAN might qualify, but might involve a couple so changes of 'bus.?
- All suggestions welcomed!
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Old 15th January 2010, 03:52 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I can't tell you how thankful I am for the above snippet about immigration. My 90 day was due today and I was just headed out for Changwattana but went to Chamchuri instead and was out in 5 minutes with a Bht7 ride home. That is my favorite mall and now even more so!
Yes, Jeffer was just a name-change from BKK Grill..same staff and menu. But the branch in Silom Complex has prices around 30% higher than at Chamchuri...I eat at ChamC a couple of times a week. The onion soup is really delicious and only Bht39. Now they have a friendly Tesco downstairs, it's even more useful.
I have recently been in the pants of one of the Jeffer staff there..he is the one that looks/acts as if he would like it...and he does. There is one in the kitchen that I would like to explore pantwise also. The branch at Hua Mark has also produced a lad who is very gay for pay...but that was a while back.
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Old 15th January 2010, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Yannawa View Post
I can't tell you how thankful I am for the above snippet about immigration. My 90 day was due today and I was just headed out for Changwattana but went to Chamchuri instead and was out in 5 minutes with a Bht7 ride home.
... .

-- Had I not wrapped up the item, re the Immig'n. Bureau with some inconsequential chitter-chat about C'CHURI. SQ. & JEFFERS but instead offered it plain and unadorned then, from earlier experience, I'm sure that our esteemed Moderator - for whom no-one has an higher regard than I do, if I may write so! - would have DELETED it as being 'OFF topic.'.
- Thanks for the info. about JEFFERS - a fair exchange of info., I'd say! ;-)
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Old 16th January 2010, 05:28 AM
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-- Today, (16th.), I looked-in twice at BIG C. - R'DAMRI.:
1.- ETA. approx. 11.30.hrs. - almost no other users;
2.- ETA. approx. 14.oo.hrs.: MORE users of the hawng nahms; mostly lookers rather than shewers.
- However, I saw and met a young man, who's to be seen MORE in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, who knew of a possibly quiet and out-of-the-way hawng nahm on CENTRALWORLD's TOP floor - and so it proved!
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Old 16th January 2010, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Today, (16th.), I looked-in twice at BIG C. - R'DAMRI.:
1.- ETA. approx. 11.30.hrs. - almost no other users;
2.- ETA. approx. 14.oo.hrs.: MORE users of the hawng nahms; mostly lookers rather than shewers.
- However, I saw and met a young man, who's to be seen MORE in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, who knew of a possibly quiet and out-of-the-way hawng nahm on CENTRALWORLD's TOP floor - and so it proved!
Glad to see restroom cruising that actually led to actual sex (instead of just looking). I never understood the people who run away at any suggestion of actually connecting for sex.
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Old 17th January 2010, 07:04 AM
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-- Today, (17th.), I re-visited JJ. MALL for the 2nd. time -
- addr.: 588, Kamphaeng Phet 2 rd.,
Chatuchak, BKK. 10900.;
- Google co-ords.: roughly 100-32-57.E.x13-48-07.N.;
- BTS./MRT.: On Nut, (N9.),/Kamphaeng Phet, (the latter is closer.);
- tel.: (02)-618 3333..

-- ETA.: 15.30.hrs.;
- The shopping space itself was quite busy - the hawng nahms LESS so..
- Following-up on my enthusiastic & American friend's 'Three Strikes rule.' my visits have been 2:1 against.

-- However, plenty of eye-candy on the returning BTS..
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Old 18th January 2010, 12:44 AM
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WAT PO - extended hrs. of opening.

-- GOOD NEWS! for those who like to cruise in SARAN ROM PK. and along Tnn. Maharat: according to a brief item in a recent issue of the BKK. Post. WAT PO* will remain OPEN until 21.oo.hrs.; this is to enable those otherwise occupied during the day to enjoy a period of evening meditation in a calm & peaceful environment.
--* Google 'Earth.' co-ords.: roughly 100-29-35.E.x13-44-48.N..
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Old 24th January 2010, 08:17 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

The BLPhu dept store chain has closed all its shops-at least 3-4 yrs ago by now. But the one on ngWongWan-beside the Mall there-is still open-space is rented out as a kind of covered market.
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Old 26th January 2010, 05:42 AM
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-- Today, (26th.), I went to TESCO-LOTUS - ON NUT, (BTS. E9.),.
- ETA.: approx. 15.oo.hrs..
- No activity at all - although the j'tresses. were on the qui vive and bustling-around most busily.

-- Then to BIG C - R'DAMRI..
- ETA.: around 16.30.hrs..
- Some activity, with a couple of cruisers seen at other times in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA!
- But after 18.hrs. what acrivity there was tailed-off.
- J'tresses. & Sec. Gds. not too active.
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Old 4th February 2010, 07:02 PM
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-- Y'day., (04th.), and having to visit P'tip. Plaza, I looked-in at BIG C - R'Damri..
- ETA.#1.: 11.45.hrs.: all to quiet with few, if any, other cruisers seen; no lunch.-time visitors at all.
- ETA.#2.: 15.30.hrs.: slightly better, with most other cruisers being maturer rather than younger men.

-- I looked-in, too, at the next door HI-FI BLDG., that would be around 15.oo.hrs. or so.
- Although the sec. monitors were powered ON I saw no-one at the sec. desk.
- The escalators were working only for one level UP from the gd. fl., above that it was either walking or taking the elevator.
- The 5fl. hawng nahm had a couple of its cubicles occupied but still looked to be a safe place.
- Only a few shops appeared to be trading, otherwise the place has a deserted air to it.
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Old 9th February 2010, 01:30 AM
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-- Y'day., (08th.), having dropped-off again my Laptop in P'TIP. PLAZA, where some eye-candy was to be seen, I went to BIG C - R'DAMRI.:
- ETA.#1.: around 12.nn.: Nothing To Report, except that the para-mil'y. Sec. Gds. were v. active in checking-out the hawng nahm;
- ETA.#2.: around 13.30.hrs.: A young young man with obviously dyed-blonde hair, (it suited him.), quite attractive in his way, (possibly high maint'ce.?), cruising, but little else of any interest;
- ETA.#3.: around 18.oo.hrs.: some slight cruising, mainly mature men who were MORE interested in looking than in shewing. Janitresses quite busy but Sec. Gds. LESS so.

- Mid-a'noon. to TESCO-LOTUS - ON NUT., (BTS.: On Nut, E9.): one young man, not all that attractive, busy working the hawng nahm; also a couple of baby boyz wanting to see but not willing to shew. Otherwise NTR..
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Old 9th February 2010, 03:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 29
New hunting ground

On the weekend I went to The Mall Ngamwongwan.
Not much action except!! On 6th floor near mangpong DVD outlet. The toilets just past on the left down a corridor are quite busy: layout similar to Onnut. Back row of urinals had a constant flow of young Thais. The cinemas are nearby so a young crowd is around. Was lucky to occupy a cubicle with a heavy set young man who loved taking pictures of my cock with his mobile phone.
Seems that the ones using the urinals for legitimate purposes were not preoccupied by the other people loitering around. Minimal janitrice activity and I did not see any security guard.
Bit out of the usual cruising circuit for farangs but worth the visit in my case. Waiting for our expert to comment on his exploits there. Happy cruising!
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Old 9th February 2010, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by holsteiner View Post
On the weekend I went to The Mall Ngamwongwan.
... .
Happy cruising!

-- Agreed, it does seem to be a bit OUT of the cruisers' usual cct..
- My BKK. City Atlas is on a small scale for that area far away from the city-cntr. but I'd guess that THE MALL is nr. to NONTHAVET HOSP'L., PANTIP PLAZA and the rd. i'sect.: Prachachuen:Ngam Wongwan?
- My copy of the BKK. 'bus. Map shews some 11 'buses. going thataway; VICTORY M'MENT. seems to be the best start point.
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Old 9th February 2010, 11:24 PM
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bus 522 from the Vict. Monumt (north-west corner) runs via expressway straight there-2nd stop-1st off is the old former BangLamphu store-then comes the Mall.
Pracha-chuen is known as Kong Prapa-a very long canal what used to be the main waterworks (=prapa). bus 67 and 70 (resp. Ram IV and Sanam Luang) run along it-they go on to Prachanivet.
Nearby should also be gay sauna-name GURU-see
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