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Old 12th February 2010, 07:00 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Today, (12th.], my Laptop having failed yet again I resolved to eschew P'TIP. PLAZA and to go to FORTUNE TOWN instead.

-- On the MRT. a not so young man, wearing a pink shirt, and I exchanged glances; we both de-trained at MRT. PRA RAM IX. stn. and I followed him into FORTUNE TOWN and into the hawng nahm on the GF., (US.: 1st. fl.],. Much to my surprised delight there is a large Glory Hole, (approx. 1.4" dia.], in the partition between the two adjacent cubicles - but at that time it was blocked by a wad of tissue paper. We made further contact a la Senator Larry. Craig, after wch. the wad was removed and there he was looking through; not wishing to disappoint him I said to myself: "For what are Glory Holes?" ... . ;-]

-- Dir'ns.:
1.- Go OUT of PRA RAM IX. MRT. stn. by Exit 1.;
2.- Enter FORTUNE TOWN by the central & sliding doorway, (it has CP.TOWER 2. on each door.] - inside the doorway is flanked by KOBUNE JP. REST'T., (LHS., and by PIZZA HUT, (RHS.]],;
3.- Turn LEFT - away from the Food Ct. & from TESCO-LOTUS - and walk until you see a branch of KASIKORN BANK on yr. RHS.; (opp. is SOLANO COFFEE.],;
4.- Immed. past the Bank turn RIGHT, (there is an int'l. sign suspended from the ceiling and pointing the way.], the Men's will be on yr. LHS..
5.- The two cubicles are the first ones on yr. RHS., (just beyond the urinals.],. Interesting enough the partition between them has not been heightened.
- As far as I could see there is but one janitress who divides her time between the Ladies' & the Gent's.

-- There is another HN. of possible interest ;
- Go into SPORTS WORLD, (beneath TESCO-LOTUS.], and turn LEFT;
- The HN's. flooring is of glazed & lt. stone colored tiles that are reflecting: shadow-play!

-- As it took longer than expected to complete the repairs to my satisfaction I revisited the GF. HN. thrice more: the first two times were about a couple of hrs. apart, there was the same farang in one of the cubicles both times; the last time there was a youngish & Thai man who wanted me to watch while he m'bated..
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Old 19th February 2010, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Fortune town

-- Today, (19th.), I ret'd. to FORTUNE TOWN to collect a stereo cable.
- I noticed that both the trad. uniformed Sec. Gds. and men wearing dk. blue. engrs'. style jkts. & trous. were much MORE vigilant at the GF. hawng nahm.
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Old 25th February 2010, 07:59 AM
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19-21 mar. - SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, (BTS.: Sala Daeng, [S2.],) - Annual shut-down;
- source: circular from Complex' mngmnt..
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Old 25th February 2010, 08:50 PM
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Posts: 105

Just the toilets? Amazing if it is for the whole shopping mall!
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Old 25th February 2010, 10:08 PM
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Usually for the whole complex once a year
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Old 25th February 2010, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Greg_na_oz View Post
Usually for the whole complex once a year

-- If I remember aright from previous yrs. some stalls & shops, incl. TOPS S'MKT., in the basement may remain OPEN; but the rest of the PLAZA will be CLOSED to both cruisers & to shoppers.
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Old 26th February 2010, 09:26 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 105

Amazing Thailand! Do they need a whole day to do the drills? Don't recall bigger malls such as Central World or Siam Paragon closing down for a day.
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Old 26th February 2010, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by df View Post
... Do they need a whole day to do the drills?
19-21 March seems like 3 whole days ...
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Old 1st March 2010, 11:11 PM
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Tesco-lotus - on nut

-- Y'day. (01st.), a'noon., having failed to find the items of ironmongery that I wanted in HOME PRO. I went to TESCO-LOTUS - ON NUT, (BTS.: E9.),.
- Mid-a'noon. all were quiet: no other cruisers at all in either hawng nahm..
- Later on not much of an improvement; although a fair amt. of eye-candy walking and looking.

-- In the early evening, and as I chanced to be passing-by, I dropped-in at BIG C - R'DAMRI..
- Some slight activity.
- I noted that the IN-house Sec. Gd. on the 5fl. was busy keeping an eye OPEN on who was going into the HN. on that floor; maybe because a mature & generously built farang was displaying himself just a little bit too obviously?
- On the lower floors one of the 'Rajdamri Team.', (vide supra: post #312.), was doing the same.
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Old 11th March 2010, 12:09 AM
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Silom galleria

-- Y'day., (10th.), having transacted my business in Charoen Krung I decided to walk-back along Tnn. Si Lom.
- Remembering that another correspondent, (Wantasian?), had enquired about SILOM GALLERIA - wch. is located in the b'ment. space, ground & next few floors UP of the 50+ storeys Hi-rise JEWELRY TRADE CENTRE - BKK. - right next door to the HOLIDAY INN, SILOM - I entered.
- Mostly it's gem & jewelry shops staffed mainly by Indian-looking men - a few younger reps. but mostly middle-aged & shewing signs of getting-on; there are a few art-galleries and suchlike, two of wch. were hosting opening parties.
- However, while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with my Thai companion, a couple of porters - laboring-looking young men - passed-by and, I thought, looked with interest at my young friend. Possibly, for those who prefer such working types, there might be further possibilities?
- Later on there was No activity in any of the hawng nahms.

-- On the other side of Tnn. Si Lom is CENTRAL TOPS..
- The hawng nahm is UPstairs in that part of the bldg. wch. is nearer to Tnn. Si Lom - it is signed - and was slightly busy - but no eye-candy seen at that time.
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Old 11th March 2010, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- SILOM GALLERIA[/b] - it's right next door to the HOLIDAY INN, SILOM - - Mostly it's gem & jewelery shops staffed mainly by Indian-looking men; there are a few art-galleries and suchlike, two of wch. were hosting opening parties.
- Later on there was No activity in any of the hawng nahms.
When I cruised this Jewelry Center (named Silom Galleria?) (it is under the Jewelry Center skyscraper) July 2009, there were some young guys coming and going in the restrooms (subtle cruising) but they weren't interested in me. There were also handsome (and sharply-dressed) masculine Indian guys in the shopping center (busy--walking)--some of which made eye contact with me (but nothing came of it). So maybe it's just young looking for young. I want to check this place again on next trip (but I think it will probably be a waste of time). It's on the way to Heaven Sauna (from skytrain stop). From what I remember, it has at least 10 floors of shopping with a restroom on each floor (escalators between the floors). I'm hot to meet handsome masculine Indians (and nerdy Chinese). It seems the perfect location for that. Maybe I can stay there a long time and that will increase the chances.
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Old 11th March 2010, 11:37 PM
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-- Y'day., (12th.), having enjoyed a cup of coffee at RUB AR ROON CAFE., (on Tnn. Maharat & roughly opp. to WAT PRACHETUPHON - good for watching mostly young monks.), I walked back along Tnn. Thai Wang, ('tween. the GD. PALACE & WAT PO.), and resolved to walk leisurely to the MIN. OF DEFENCE BLDG. on Tnn. Sanam Chai - that would be around 18.30.hrs..
- At that time there was but one young man sitting & waiting on one of the benches. I stopped, sat-down and joined him in a simple conversation: he's gay and was waiting/looking for customers. Had I not a supper app't. at 21.oo.hrs. then I might have taken him to an hotel, not that he is eye-candy in any way, but on the 'Bird in the hand.' principle.
- I arr'd. at SARANROM PK. just before 19.oo.hrs., and having availed of the hawng nahm - being just too late for one young man & just too early for another - sat-down on one of the four benches nr. to the HRH. Sunandra Kumareerat Mem'l..
- There have been several changes since my previous visit: the most obvious being that all of the bushes that surrounded the lake have been removed and have been replace by spindly trees: Melaleuca bracteata L., wch. make the whole space much MORE open. Also the ambient lighting has been strengthened.
- Within a few mins. I was joined by another man who gave his name as Khun Jumpha, (Champha?). 30YO. from N. TH.. We chatted, mostly about English football before I was able to convince him that I was not available, thanks to my supper date.
- Then I was joined by a fresh & open-faced youth, dressed neatly in an all black outfit, who did not give me his name, but volunteered that he's all of 18YO. and hails from Chiang Mai; he speaks basic but adequate enough English. He added that he likes women, but that for just he'd be happy to go with me, adding that he'd be prepared to do anything! He asked me if I'd like to look-at his endowment, wch. he alleged is large, (but aren't they all?), to wch. I gave the std. reply of: "Up to you."; on second thoughts he decided not to do so. He expressed a wish that we might meet some other day later on.
- A 3rd. YM. joined me, but I was not too enchanted by him.
- After wch. I was time to take myself off to my supper app't..
- I saw no signs of patrolling Park-police and/or Sec. Gds..
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Old 12th March 2010, 06:29 AM
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-- Today, (12th.), evening SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, and especially the two hawng nahm in CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE, were cruisier than BIG C - R'DAMRI.!
- In BIG C. I didn't see many signs of either janitresses' or of the para-mil'y. sec. gds'. activities, but the lower profile Rajdamri Team members were out and about - one should keep one's eyes OPEN for them, better to be safe than sorry.
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Old 12th March 2010, 03:03 PM
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Central World

Has anyone ever had any luck at Central World? I bumped into a twink at Tesco On Nut the other day and he said that he regularly scores there. But I've never seen anything resembling possible action there.
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Old 13th March 2010, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Cupidman View Post
Has anyone ever had any luck at Central World? I bumped into a twink at Tesco On Nut the other day and he said that he regularly scores there. But I've never seen anything resembling possible action there.
I cruised at the old WTC and it was okay (the restrooms by the elevators/parking garage). I only did that because I didn't want to get caught by my ex-bf cruising Silom Complex. The problem with Central World is there are too damned many restrooms--all spaced way apart! I cruised there once July 2009 and gave up. Yes, there might be some cruising, but it's just twinks who come in and quickly leave to check out the next restroom. If anyone could recommend the most cruisy restrooms there, please post! I never figured it out.
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