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Old 18th July 2011, 01:20 AM
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Crystal design centre ...

Originally Posted by shadowseeker View Post
Hot encounter in Crystal Park, in the HN behind the food student in white and black uniform, cute as a button! ... .

-- Y'day., (17 jul.), a'noon. to make a change I decided to visit CRYSTAL DESIGN CENTER.;
- As there's a separate thread entitled: Cruising CRYSTAL CENTRE. I'll make my entry therein.
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Old 4th August 2011, 06:03 AM
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TESCO-LOTUS - S'vit. 50. ...

-- Today, 04 aug., a'noon. I went to TESO-LOTUS - Sukhumvit 50., (BTS.: On Nut, [E9.],), for some shopping, cheaper than CENTRAL, and also for some 'Walking & looking!';
- ETA./ETD.: approx.15.15.-18.15.hrs. ;
-- First walk-around was NTR. - both hawng nahms nigh on empty;
- 2nd. walk-about, at approx.18.hrs., I saw a slightly built and young man pleasuring himself in the GF. HN.. I stood next to him; he shewed his assets to me quite openly & willingly - uncut and avg. PLUS. We played a bit with eachother before he jerked his head towards one of the vacant cubicles, an offer that I declined; he then patted his arse in an obvious invitation that I thought it safer to refuse. Then we were joined by a maturer man who seemed to know that YM., so I left them to enjoy eachother's company.
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Old 6th August 2011, 08:44 PM
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BIG C - R'damri. ...

-- Y'day., (06 jul.), a'noon. my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend and I met in BIG C - Ratchadamri.;
- ETA./ETD.: 16.-18.oo.hrs.;
- The whole super-store was very quiet for a sat. a'noon./early evening.
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Old 12th August 2011, 08:16 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149
Red face

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (03rd.), a'noon. I went to JJ. MALL; taking the MRT. from SAM YAN, (approx. 30mins.), and walking some 750yds. from MRT. KAMPHAENG PHET, (exit 1.),.

Wed 10 Aug; 3pm. JJ Mall Third floor HN encounter. A swarthy looking Isaan type but wearing fashionable clothing playing and displaying a dark colourd APNDG with a pink tip. Sorry but not one to into cublicles... So left chwing off my R arm. CUte though and no Sec Gds or Jntrx to be seen!
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Old 17th August 2011, 02:15 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... .
- Instead SCSP. will CLOSE for approx. six months WEF. nov. '11. - this being the end of the current 30 years' lease period.
... . -- ;-(

-- Y'day., (16 aug.), a'noon. I spoke again with the lady shop-keeper about the impending CLOSURE of SCSP.;
- She replied that, as far as she is aware, CLOSURE will be WEF. 01 dec. - but that it might be postponed until 30 dec.? She added that possibly this CLOSURE might not affect SILOM FOOD CT., CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE & TOP'S S'MKT.?
- She will have CLOSED her shop and pulled-OUT by 30 nov. for her new shop in THANIYA TWR., 4th. floor.

-- E&OE. as reported speech. --
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Old 20th August 2011, 05:59 AM
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McDo. in former ROBINSON'S Bldg. again?

-- Passing by the currently CLOSED MCDONALD's in the former ROBINSON'S BLG. at the Rama IV.:Si Lom rds. i'sect. I saw that there are recruitment/Sits. Vac. posters advertising for jobs' applicants with McDo. in some of the papered-over windows.
- A possible RE-OPENING sometime?
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Old 20th August 2011, 06:25 AM
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BIG C. - Aum Yai ...

-- Y'day., (19 aug.), I visited AUM YAI at the request of my No-longer-young, Hair-dresser & TH. Aquaintance, the purpose of wch. was to shew me his new shop and to press me to assist in the necessary funding; He's proposing to spend stg. in the area of 200K. Bh., as he's rented the & 2 superior floors as bare. Well, I know my No- longer-young Acquaintance quite well enough to know his thoughts about availing of others' finances.

-- Afterwards I looked-in at BIG C. - Aum Yai., that would be just after 16.hrs.. Aficionados & friends of BIG C. will be pleased to read that I was not disappointed:
- On my first visit to the GF. hawng nahm nr. the S&P. outlet I saw that all cubicles were occupied and so availed of one of the pissoirs. Just as I was zipping-up a couple of YM. entered: one tall, wearing a red shirt over bl. jeans & his younger friend not so noticeably dressed - the elder was certainly not eye-candy yet my Gaydar. registered strongly; however he stood all too close - possibly a bit shy with a TOF. standing not too far away?
- The other 2 HN. on the1fl., (US.2fl.), were NTR.; so I walked-around for awhile before ret'g. to the1fl. HN. at the Dep't. Store end of the bldg.. Seeing how the cubicles were occupied I chose a vacant one between two that were engaged.
- After some moments the man on my RHS., who might have seem me playing with myself, put his hand under the partition. Looking through the peep-hole I judged him to be a youngish Uni. Stdnt., who, having attracted my att'n., removed both trousers & briefs. I knelt-down at the partition and allowed him to play. Then it was his turn to kneel-down, with care I was able to smoke him - of avg. size, uncut and with a decided downwards curve.
- We repeated the above once again before hearing the clanking of the janitress' mop-bucket - a signal that under- partition activities should cease.
- After the j'tress. had left I was minded to see if I could join this YM. in his cubicle; but decided that enough was enough for that one day, particularly as time was progressing and it might take as long as a couple of hrs. to return to my acc'n..
-- :-)
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Old 22nd August 2011, 12:54 AM
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THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan ...

-- Yesterday, (21 aug.), a'noon. I visited THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan. -
- I took 'bus. #522. from VICTORY MON'T., fare 18.Bh.;
- ETA./ETD.: 15.45. -18.30.hrs.;

-- The 6fl. hawng nahm, by MANGPORN DVD. shop, was not all that busy each time that I visited;
- Busier was the one on the other side of the bldg. nr. to the POLICE SPORTS'WEAR outlet;
- On the 7fl. the HN. past the Engl. lang. school was not busy - floor flooded. However the other one on that floor, roughly beneath #11 Cinema, had several users availing from time to time, although they were not shewers but merely lookers;
- Whilst awaiting a cubicle back on the 6fl., ( POLICE S'WEAR.), I noticed that the occupant of cubicle #7. appeared to be standing upon its seat - his head was clearly visible to me, although he prefered to remain looking-down;
- After a while cubicle #5. became available, wch. I entered. Looking under the partition I saw two pairs of shoes in #7.; I noticed, too, the the YM. occupying the intervening cubicle had stripped-off his clothing and was lying-on the floor the better to see what his neighbors were doing. After his neighbors had left he put a note under the partition to me wch. read: '3,000.Bh. - OK.?'. But from what I saw of him he seemed to be under-aged, possibly? But anyway I responded with: "What will you do?" - answer was there none;
- In cubicle #1. back in the HN. nr. to MANGPORN for my final visit the man next door slowly pushed an elegant looking shoe under the partition: polished, lt. brown and pointed toe. He then left and pushed his shoe under the door. I OPENED the cubicle's door - one glance from each of us sufficed!

-- I checked the time from leaving THE MALL to back to my app't., (wch. is approx.a brisk 5 mins'. walk away from Phat Pong.) - total time was 1hr. & 45mins..

-- In short rather a wasted a'noon..
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Old 26th August 2011, 01:02 AM
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-- Y'day., 25 aug., I went-to IMMIG'N. BUREAU - Chaeng Wattana to renew both my 'Retirement Visa.' and to check-in for my '90 days.'*; from entering the actual office-area at 08.30.hrs. to leaving was just 55 mins..

-- Having time-in-hand I walked leisurely from IMMIG'N. to the AEON/MAXVALUE S'MKT. on Chaeng Wattana rd. - approx. 01hr.;
- As it was perhaps early on in the day there was no-one else seen cruising the hawng nahm there; I stayed long enough to enjoy a cup of coffee and to have three keys cut.

-- Then another & leisurely walk to TESCO-LOTUS on Phahon Yothin rd., where I cruised-around the three HN. and enjoyed a light lunch. followed by some MORE cruising, wch. was really NTR.. Unlike others in previous visits I saw no RThAF. cadets in their sports'-wear greens.

-- Finally I ended-up in BIG C. -Rathadamri.;
-ETA./ETD.: 15.45. - 18.oo.hrs. approx.;
- At first it was absolutely all too non-cruisy in all of the HN. , so I ret'd. to SWENSON'S to enjoy an ice-cream;
- Afterwards cruising was better, with a couple of adventures - but I'll allow the Hand of Discretion ... .
- In one of the HN. I noticed an obviously under-aged young man loitering with intent; I saw him again in a 4fl. HN. standing at one of the pissoirs, (well endowed for such a young person, that's for sure) - but mindful of a previous warning from our esteemed Mod. - for whom no-one has an higher regard than me - I left as soon as was convenient. Later I saw him with his mother, (?), with an innocent look of 'Butter wouldn't melt in my crotch.' on his face - ha!
- I took an escalator to the 5fl., (McDo. area.), for a walk-around, and then UP to the 6fl. where a couple or three young laborers/int'l. decorators were at work shifting shelving mat'l., a couple of whom, young & slim looking caught my eye, especially the dark skinned one, trace of a nascent 'tache. and an huge mop of hair just like a childhood Golliwog; we exchanged interested glances, but no more.

--* For checking-in for one's '90 days.' -
1. - BKK.: Just one's original P'port. with original Form TM.6., (Arr'l./Dep. Card.), PLUS original Form TM.47., (Form for Alien staying longer than 90 days.), are req'd.;
2. - PATTAYA - where there's a new Sheriff in town - according to three verbal rpts., (one of wch. mentioned > - Home < ), rec'd., now one has to produce the flg. docs.:
2.1. - One's original Passport. PLUS one photocopy each of the photo./pers. info. page & of the current Visa;
2.2. - Original Form TM.6. PLUS one p'copy. each of both sides;
2.3. - Original Form TM.47.;
2.4. - Orig'l. bill, or similar, confirming one's residential address, PLUS one p'copy..
-- NB.: E&OE. for PATTAYA as verbal reports!
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Old 26th August 2011, 08:27 PM
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Unpredictability of cruising ...

-- As noted in a previous posting in this thread I visited BIG C. - R'damri. on thu., (25 aug.), a'noon., and enjoyed a couple of adventures;

-- Y'day., (26 aug.), I visited ISETANN - R'damri., to do some shopping on its 5fl. - such an helpful & charming ass't., youngish but no eye-candy, wears dental braces; from astern filled-out his trousers v. attractively, I thought: -

-- Then I walked-across R'damri.rd. to BIG C.;
- ETA./ETD.: approx.16.30. - 18.oo.hrs.; roughly just one day later and with a week-end looming.
- But, alas & alack, it was all too quiet for cruising - unless one prefers mainly chubby-looking men, mostly Thais & Indian-looking gents., who are getting-on a bit in years - and, in all too many cases, shewing it - no, Gentle Reader, not that! Some v. little eye-candy seen, but either in gps. or with family.
-- But, as my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend would remind me: 'It's a crap shoot.' - and so it proved to be.

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Old 7th September 2011, 05:51 AM
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Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. ...

-- Today, (07 sep.), I walked-along Soi Naras Thiwat 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.), and noticed the flg. -
1.- Fitted on the wall outside the former KHUN SWEET CIGAR A GO-GO BAR., (it's across the small & sub-soi that leads to 'SUPER A.' A GO-GO BAR, from SOLID BAR.), is now a blue on black sign reading BANGKOK NIGHT;
2.- The former NIGHT BOYS BAR, (ex ???, ex ??? etc. ex TUARUS MSG.), is once again in the hands of builders who are busy gutting that place.
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Old 20th September 2011, 07:13 AM
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Rama iv. Rd. ...

-- Last sunday, (18 oct.), after supping in BUG & BEE I walked-back along Rama IV rd., that would be around 21.30.hrs.;
- All of the way from the former ROBINSON'S/McDO. to SOI TWILIGHT only one young man seen loitering and looking-out for custom, and that was in the shadows outside the CROWNE PLAZA LUMPINI HTL., (ex-PAN-PAC.),.
- LOW season or not, verily times have changed.
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Old 22nd September 2011, 07:16 AM
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Not gsm. But mbk.!

-- Today, 22 sep., having completed such business as I was able to manage in the newish BKK. ARTS' & CULT'L. CNTR. I was all set to go to GSM. SAUNA. to see, if perchance, it might have OPENED?
- However, an hy. downpour of rain persuaded me to seek shelter in MBK. instead;
- ETA./ETD.: 16.-19.15.hrs.;
- Quite a lot of eye-candies seen, especially walking around the cinemas' floor; but none, alas, where I hoped to see them - all hawng nahm entered - at 02Bh. a visit - were NTR.:
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Old 24th September 2011, 06:24 AM
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Former 'night boys.' refurbishment ...

-- Today, 24 sep., forenoon I passed-by the former 'NIGHT BOYS.', (ex-TUARUS MASSAGE etc. etc.), on Soi Naras Thiwat soi 1., (aka. Soi Anuman.) -
- Three of the four & large openings looking-out onto the soi have been bricked-over, leaving OPEN only the one nearest to GREENPOINT MNSN.;
- Inside electricians are hard at work installing new wiring, mostly on the ceiling, and appliances;
- Some eye-candy at work therein worth seeing! ;-)
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Old 29th September 2011, 08:31 AM
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Noticed today in the second floor men's room at Big C Saphan Kwai: a sign in Thai stating that indecent acts in public restrooms are an offense subject to criminal prosecution. The sign also provided a telephone number to report such goings-on.

As I was relieving myself and not cruising I cannot tell you if anyone was paying heed.
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