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Old 4th November 2007, 02:53 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 90

I had a very nice massage at Apsara yesterday. As I was not looking for "extras", I am not certain whether they are provided but I had a feeling that they could be had.
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Old 4th November 2007, 05:42 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Well, as previously suggested, I went to Body Club this afternoon. Khun Tong wasn't working today, so I asked the mamasan which of the lads had a big standard question. She had 3 of them raise their hands. Of course, I chose the totally twinky looking one.

I can now recommend Khun Joke. He's as smooth as a cue ball and is quite fem looking. He's an Issan boy and has very limited English. He told me that he has been working there for "one month and two days"...whatever that means.

The massage was so-so at best. But, OH MY GOD....does this lad know how to fuck!!!!! I left totally satiated and completely satisfied. And Joke seemed quite happy with my THB 1,400 tip.

So, if twinky looking, smooth fem guys with BIG cocks are your thing....Khun Joke is the answer.
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Old 4th November 2007, 01:12 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2

ok ... we all like XL dicks. However, i prefer XL with hands that really know how to explore the body (ff)
Any suggestions ... yes i like my money's worth or manipulation & fireworks
Even 4 hands
Yes .... i;m into the full course .... not desserts only !!!***
exploring and delivering
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Old 4th November 2007, 06:13 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Try Khun Lo at Aqua. He's got a whopper, and gives a good massage.
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Old 4th November 2007, 07:00 PM
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Originally posted by icon513
Try Khun Lo at Aqua. He's got a whopper, and gives a good massage.
-- Icon,
- Thanks for this info., but how fresh is it?
- Khun Lo's name, of 'AQUA SPA.', was mentioned several months ago; I went thither and was told that no such person worked there.
- I reported this in a reply and a short correspondence ensued, after wch. nothing further.

-- Having one's masseur hung like an horse is all v. well, but if it's too big for one to accept or he doesn't know how to use it then it's wasted.
- Many yrs. ago in 'Club Baths.' in Tampa, Fl., there was a large sign:
It's not the size of your wand that matters but the magic that you do with it!'.
- Reassurance to those of us who are less well endowed.

-- bibi.
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Old 4th November 2007, 07:03 PM
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Saw him there last week.
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Old 4th November 2007, 10:25 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally posted by icon513
Saw him there last week.
-- Icon.,
- Thanks for your reply.
- On my next visit thither I must remember to ask for Khun Low in a basso profundo voice - ha!
- He is - if I remember aright - from I-San and is in his late 20s.?
-- bibi..
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Old 5th November 2007, 11:03 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Would like to know the views of the massage consumers above about V club. I haven't been for a couple of years and the range then was pretty good (lucky me ? ) but the reception staff were a pain during that period. I know Icon is not a fan but a former regular here had a happy 2007 experience.

In the 90's this was a top draw place.
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Old 6th November 2007, 12:01 AM
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-- Continuing with my weekly newsletter about my massage experiences in 'INDRA MASSAGE.' I went there y'day., (mon.), evening.
- I was assigned to Khun Rahn, (note corr'n. to this boi's name! He has since left and moved-on to elsewhere.),: a tallish and pleasant looking young man - 25YO.; from I-San; working there for the last 7mos., during wch. he picked-up his Englsih OTJ., and wch. he speaks adequately enough for simple conversations; in the daytime works in Ekkami and comes to 'Indra.' in the evenings; a couple of sisters; shares acc'n. on S'vit.1..
- To a different room this time - same 6'.x8'. size; mattress on the floor; the temp'y. looking partition didn't reach all the way up to the ceiling and its door space was closed with a curtain - a certain lack of privacy between the two adjacent rooms, I felt; in fact I could see the shadow of that masseur on the ceiling as he massaged someone else therin; it's just as well that I don't cry-out during the 'Agony and the Ecstacy.' or indulge in those C*t*l*n* type of porn. film monosyllabic grunts: 'Yeah, man.', ' F*ck me real good, man.' and so on and so forth.
- A good massage, lingering just long enough at all the right places to let me know what was in Khun Rahn's mind. He'd removed his masseur's trousers during that time.
- Turning over it was time to get to know eachother better: he's been endowed with the usual and std.sized. TH. boi ****.
- Obviously he didn't want an 'Happy ending.' for himself but was quite prepared to give me one, for wch. - thanks to my taking a 'G7.' tablet beforehand - I didn't disgrace myself.

- - Afterwards talking with the manageress I gathered that the business is starting to pick-up - they have .21 masseurs available now - most of whom, to these eyes, looked to be slightly built and with 'twinky.' bodies, (and possibly not dissimilar outlooks?),.
- I suggested to her that many another manager would give his eye-teeth to occupy the pos'n. of 'Indra Massage.', being right oposite to the very well known 'Tawan Men's Bar.'. She wasn't so sure, alleging that 'Tawan.' didn't want her trying to poach their customers. I suggested that as they were offering different svces. that there'd be no real competition, but they could complement eachother? Apparently not so. She felt that as 'Tawan.' has been there for some 20yrs. they had a right of seniority - not something with wch. I agreed - but it's not my business. But reportedly a few of 'Tawan's.' customers do come-over after the perf. there.
-- bibi..
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Old 6th November 2007, 05:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158


Yes, it was just excellent 10 years ago, and I had many excellent experiences there, including several off-site rendezvous with a very cute young waiter who was painfully shy but after several converstaions he agreed to meet me outside.

Then the place seemed to change from highly customer oriened to customers are a bit of a nuisance, along with this came a gatoey manager who though she was the most important person in the world and she had no hesitation whatever to pad the bill. This happened several times - one coffee but three coffees and a beer etc all on the bill. After some confrontation she would sort of agree that something was wrong but 'You will have to pay because It's impossible to cancel the chits, but never mind, I'll make sure it's ok next time', plus lots of "farang keeneo" comments.

Then I noticed service had gone way down with most of the boys.

On my second to last visit I inquired about the cute young man in the front garden. She dragged him inside against his protests that his brother was coming in just one minute to pick him up. I ended up quickly in the massage room with a very unhappy and quite upset young man. I quickly aborted the situation. When he reappeared at the front area the gatoey abused him and demanded he pay 200Baht fine. It turned out his brother was in fact waiting for him. I paid my bill and followed him outside and discretelly gave him the 200 Baht. All of this was maybe 4 years ago.

Last week my meeting at the old Thai FArmers Bank building finished very early, I decided to go to V club which is of course just 5 minutes drive. I sat down and very quickly 3 massage came and sat at my table without invitation,and very quickly launched into telling me the minimum tip is 3,000Baht plus "V club boys are all special and famous, so you have to pay more".

I left very soon after. Back to HERO for me.
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Old 6th November 2007, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Agree with scoops. V Club was THE place to go 5 - 10 years back, but then started declining in service, and I might add, cleanliness too. I once faced an inflated bill and was absolutely sure that it was no honest mistake. I never went back.

I understand that the owners of V-Club are also onwers of Chakran sauna, and I believe the decline of V-Club started around the time the owners diverted their attention to the sauna.

Does anyone know if the owners are still the same at both places, or if they have divested of one? I find it hard to believe that the same owners can demand high standards at Chakran and not care about plunging standards at V Club.
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Old 6th November 2007, 06:51 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I agree, too. V Club was revolutionary when it opened -- all we had at that time was the Ambassador Hotel Health Club. Now, unfortunately, it's to be avoided at all costs (in my opinion).
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Old 8th November 2007, 06:54 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- This a'noon., instead of visiting me for my weekly massage, Khun Kob asked if I would go to 'BAAN TEWA.' instead? So 'M'med. went to the mountain.' - as the saying is and I arr'd. there, S. Sathorn 7/1., (just behind the SGP. Embassy.), five mins. before13hrs., ('Five minutes early is on time.',as we used to say in the Army.),.
- Masseur Son was to be my masseur for the 90mins. oil-massage. He's 19YO.; hails from Nong Khai; worked in 'Candle Tee SPA.' before moving to 'BAAN TEWA.'; and speaks little English.
- A thorough and good massage, during wch. his fingers reminded me of 'Hagar the Horrible.' and his adverts. for a certain type of beer - ha!
- He had removed his shirt and rolled-up his masseur's trousers before starting, and while his fingers brushed lightly against certain sensitive places of mine several times at first he didn't appear to be too keen on my fingers doing a little exploration on their own. However once my back was finished and I'd turned over he wasn't so shy and eventually both his trousers and u'pants. were removed to reveal an uncut and std. TH. boi issue ****; he gave me a fairly std. 'Happy ending.' as I, in my turn, gave him some pleasure - and myself, too.
- "Well - so much for Khun Kob telling me how he ran his massage parlour - strictly like 'Silom Massage.' or 'Candle Tee SPA.", I thought; possibly the masseurs at 'Indra Massage.' could learn a thing or two from masseur Son.!
- Possibly I'll return thither next week, Insha'Allah." - Stay tuned.
-- bibi..
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Old 8th November 2007, 07:07 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Originally posted by sextile - "Well - so much for Khun Kob telling me how he ran his massage parlour - strictly like 'Silom Massage.' or 'Candle Tee SPA.", I thought; possibly the masseurs at 'Indra Massage.' could learn a thing or two from masseur Son.!
I don't know what "strictly like" those places means, but I can assure you that I have been pleasured at Candle T Spa. As for Silom Massage, I had a favourite guy there (name:Tee. Is he still there?) who would have gladly done the necessary if only I had given the signal. But the walls being paper thin, not reaching to the ceiling and the showers too far away, it was me who was being "strict", not the masseur. I'm sure he would have been happier for me to be lax.
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Old 8th November 2007, 07:19 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Sloot,
- Wow! that was a rapid response, wasn't it?
- While I attended 'Silom Massage.' over quite some time I was never ever offered an 'Happy Ending.'.
- But I agree with you about their paper-thin walls and partitions not reaching-up to the ceilings - not so good for those desiring a certain amt. of privacy.
- I haven't been to 'Candle T SPA.' - but judging from masseur Son's actions it wouldn't seem to be such a strictly run place as perhaps Khun Kob might like to say that it is.
-- bibi..
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