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Old 3rd June 2007, 06:06 AM
Gany's Avatar
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Viagra addiction?

Hi Folks,

I got a problem. Viagra. I didn't need it at all, but my and my partner took it for fun. Which it really is. But recently I noticed that I can't get an erection anymore and loose interest in sex without viagra. (Kamagra, the slurpie variant.)

Now, going cold turkey might work. But it won't be much fun... My partner doesn't have this problem. For him it works fine, or not, whatever. Live is so easy being bottom.....

Anybody who has the same experiences? What would be a good way to kick the habit?
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Old 3rd June 2007, 10:39 AM
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Try changing to Cialis....or get a new partner ! lol
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Old 3rd June 2007, 07:34 PM
wowpow's Avatar
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You might like to post on CFS Ask and Advice board though it's not very busy.

There are Viagra Forums on Google such as which may help.

The sort of sensible advice is to consult your Doctor but I suspect that many are not comfortable with that.

You should at least try quitting the Viagra and see what happens.

I wonder if the natural libido urges both mental and physical are affected by using Viagra.

Our Moderator has sharp knives. I wonder if this post will last.
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Old 4th June 2007, 02:33 AM
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Actually, Viagra does not affect the libido. It just affects the quality of your erection. Other than that, I've got no idea whether there is such thing as an addiction, or acquired resistance.
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Old 5th June 2007, 09:46 PM
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Wikipedia raises questions about Kamagra.
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Old 6th June 2007, 03:54 AM
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Patent law in India used to say that no substance can be patented - as all are God given.

You can patent a method of manufacturing.

Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra) made in India is made by a process different to that used by Pfizer.

I believe that India has now amended the law but product seems to be still flowing.

I started using Viagra in the UK and paid £33.50 (2280 baht) for 4 x 100 mg tablets. Now a friend brings me Kamagra from Burma for 82 baht for 4. I have used Kamagra for several years now. It works fine - I use a quarter tablet. In Jomtien I can get them for 250 baht for 4. The box has a stamp saying RRP 72 rupees (59 baht) (recommended Retail price).

I strongly suspect that these tales of pills being under-dose and containing dangerous foreign substances are an attempt by the Western manufacturers to create and Urban Myth to frighten users. I mean if it did not work you would know quickly and not buy more?

There are other generics and my friend brought me a new one called Ulti-Mate which also works fine.

I started using for recreational uses and I found it brilliant. Now I'm in my mid sixties and I tend to use it all the time for confidence.

I know that they say it does not effect one's libido but when I take one in preparation for a gentleman caller I often work on my computer and little willy pops up with no mental encouragement.

I know that drugs effect everyone differently but for me I find the effect lasts for over 15 hours. I used to get slight headaches sometimes but no longer.

To STOP stop worrying and learn to love the pill.
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Old 6th June 2007, 05:40 AM
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Well, for me it normally works three days. First day WOW!!!, second day GREAT!, third day: okay.
... and god needed a bloody rest on the fourth day. :-)

Me and my partner (we're together for 15 years, so finding a new partner isn't really an option) like to use it for special occassions only.

Last months we had a bit too many of those special occasions, and I suddenly noticed I lost interest in sex. Maybe I overdosed a bit. Not the pills, but the sex.

Anyway, I started inquiring around me. Quite a few friends gobble it like candy. Yup, they told me, can't even think of doing something, let alone having sex without it.

That worried me quite a bit. But I noticed that my erection is getting back, and the effects are more or less wearing off. We've done not exactly great last time, but a heck of a lot better than 'sorry, I throw in the towel'.

So from now on, we'll do it with blue candy only on real special occassions. I don't worry too much about the price, but I got the feeling last time (without blue sweeties) Gee, I managed that all by myself. Which is not exactly the way it should be, right?
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Old 6th June 2007, 09:27 AM
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Gany, Great to hear that you are feeling happier about things.

The 3 day period of effectiveness sounds odd. You have certainly read the advice:

"Know what to expect
You will not get an instant erection. You must be aroused for VIAGRA to work
VIAGRA usually works in about 30 minutes
VIAGRA works for 4 hours, so you can take your time
After sex, your erection will go away
To get the fastest results, take VIAGRA on an empty stomach or after eating a low-fat meal
Make sure you buy real VIAGRA
Many Web sites will try to sell you fake VIAGRA. So before you buy VIAGRA online, learn what to look out for."

So they say 4 hours, I get 15+ hours and you are getting 72 hours?

I wonder if you are taking the lowest possible effective dose. For recreational use you should not be getting any added benefit by taking more than 25mg ( most pills these days are 100 mg )
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Old 6th June 2007, 11:28 AM
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I stopped using genuine viagra because of the very hot flushes they produced, but especially because I started to feel my eyesight was temporarilty affected by the a bit blurred and swimming effect. (not good when I drive or fly myself!)When I need a bit of a boost now I use hot flushes or side effects , and I'm still getting boners 36 hours later. I take a half a 20 mg pill and reckon Cialis is great!

In Pattaya this fantastic, clear blue skys and not too hot, and very few farang. Some of the smaller bars taking a holiday and will re-open from mid to end June when the European tourists return.
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Old 6th June 2007, 05:36 PM
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Call me mr. Lucky.

From the first time I took Viagra, and later Kamagra it works for me about 3 days. I ain't making this up. It starts working about 10 minutes after I take it, and works at least three hours. I don't know if it would work longer - both little and big Gany can't stand up straight after three hours wild gorilla sex.
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