What Saunas Are Hot At The Moment?
Haven't been to any in ages but visiting BKK again soon so thought I would check out those most recommended.
Any naked/underwear nights that are going to be fun filled, with lots of young hotties? Thanks! |
-- My experience is that almost all saunas -with the possible exception of 'BABYLON SAUNA.', (S. Sathorn soi 1/1.), - are 'sticky rice.'.
- But maybe you possess a 'Body to die for.' and so might be considered possibly desireable? 'bye.. |
Well, they R never STICKY RICE , though
Lots of those young hotties turn to be sticky rice ,
if they see old POTATO DUMPLINGS . That's all . :cool: |
Both Heaven on Silom Road and GSM in Chinatown are good for old potatoes. With and without the skin.
-- I'm not a frequent visitor to 'GSM. SAUNA.' in ChinaTown, but in my ltd. experience it's fine if one likes chubby Chinese; as for slimmer and younger members of other ethnic origins it can be very hit or miss.
- Possibly I should renew my acquaintanceship with 'HEAVEN.'? It must be more than a dozen yrs. since I was last there. 'bye. |
39 Sauna in Sapan Kwai is naked on Fridays. Packed with young hot thais but pretty sticky...climb up the turret for group fondling.
Thanks guys!
So, me - mid 30s, trim if a bit skinny and hairy - where would I stand on the scale of acceptability to your average PYT? |
-- It's my experience - based-on recent visits to only 'BABYLON.' and to 'SAUNA MANIA.' saunas - that in dark rooms, steam rooms and other places of ltd. visibility TH. boyz will feel first your chest and then your forearms.
I doubt if the biblical Esau would have been welcomed in most TH. saunas. 'bye.. |
GSM is a hit and miss affair. Sometimes I go in, get lots of attention. Other occassions, I spent a whole evening on nothing. Overall, not to bad. Especially if you like sleazy places.
39 is more for guys in very good shape. Had some VERY good experiences there. But I find it much more a 'look how stunning I am' place. |
Lol - I have never been likened to a biblical figure before, although I have heard the odd 'Oh, Christ!' when I walk into the office in a bad mood...
Point taken - I will partake in a little topiary before I leave home! |
I always thought Thais were Buddhists. But I have heard them say 'oh my god!' when looking at Gany's mr. Happy looking very happy. :D
I occassionally meet bigger boys, but not often. |
-- I had always thought that Saudis were Muslims. But I have heard many of them, and especially those who've travelled out of the theocracy, say: 'Oh, my God!', wch. has become another, well-known, occidental and verbal expression that is more or less universal now, but possibly not so widely spread as 'OK.'?
'bye.. |
Muslims believe in the same God that Christians and Jews do.
has anyone tried the "Mens Sauna" on the 2nd floor of the Korean plaza at the entrance of Soi 12 Sukhumvit? Is it any good?
Do you mean B&N? If so, it's the same owner as Arena and a similar profile.
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