It looks as if it will meet its completion date target or not miss by much.I know little else so your search talents will find more.
Monitor C.F.S. as someone will be armed with the facts. |
- loc'n.: On Soi Ngam Duphlee by i'sect. with Soi Sri Bumphen, BKK. 10120., (so it's handy for Babylon Sauna: ;)); - contact: tel.: (02)-659 2888. -- 'fax.: (+66 2)-659 2889.; - MRT.: Lumphini; - Has approx. 213 rooms; - NO SMOKING policy, (ciggies., etc., I presume?); - opening: sch. for jul. '08.. -- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. -- |
Word from O..Ho cafe is Ibis opening date is July 30.
[quote=brief encounter;661830]
Word from O..Ho cafe is Ibis opening date is July 30.[/QUOTE] -- We shall see. I passed-by on friday's a'noon. to have a look-see - builders still v. busy with plenty of work to do; they'll have to work fast to meet the schedule. - On Suriwong rd. LE MERIDIEN HOTEL displayed a banner announcing that its soft opening would be in april 2008 - it's still not open. I passed-by this forenoon and a large part of the approach is torn-up still and is being relaid slowly. -- Bibi.. -- |
- The rates for a room are reported as being 1,200.Bh./pn., (whether that incl. the usual ++ was not stated.),. To me that seems excessive for what is billed as a 'No frills hotel.' and where the staff are expected to multi-task to help to reduce o'hds.. - Directly opposite is the MALAYSIA HTL. - catering to a possibly different public, I'll allow - wch. charges some 300.Bh/pn. LESS. - MORE expensive, too, that say TAKE A NAP and/or URBAN AGE HOTELS. at 1K.Bh./pn.. Also there's the PINNACLE HOTEL, although I'm unsure of its present prices. -- E&OE.. -- bibi.. -- |
Omyim Lodge still best value
I agree with the last post here but, none of them can beat the low cost, high value of Omyim Lodge. :) |
have just spent some time at malaysia hotel and never leave it out of your calculations.colourful characters,"on the ball" staff at reception and unbelievable value.hope it survives the competition.
-- the current issue of the freebie & weekly BK Magazine., #241., 20jun08., has a one page article about three Boutique Hotels in BKK. -
1.- HERITAGE, BAAN SILOM, - loc'n.: 659, Si Lom 19., Bang rak; - rates: 2,400.oo.Bhfor studio; - further info.: 2.- REFLECTIONS ROOMS IN BKK. - loc'n.: 224/2-8, Pradiphat rd., Samsennai; - rates: 1,850.Bh. PLUS, depending upon room size; - further info.: 3.- TAKE A NAP HOTEL. 920-926, Rama IV. rd., Bang rak; - rates: 1,000.Bh. sngl., 1.3K. for twin, 1.15K.-1.5K. dbl.; there is also dormitory acc'n. avail. from 350.Bh.. - further info.: -- BK. Magazine -- -- NB.: TAKE A NAP HTL., (#3. above.), has a sister hotel - URBAN AGE HOTEL, - loc'n.: On the sub-soi linking Si Lom sois 6 & 8., Bang rak; - rates: slightly cheaper than TAKE A NAP. - further info.: -- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. -- |
[quote=brief encounter;661830]
Word from O..Ho cafe is Ibis opening date is July 30.[/QUOTE] -- Accor Hotels, of wch. 'Ibis.' is a part, have a web-site at - -- Bibi.. -- |
i think c.f.s. should run a lottery among the more frequent contributors for the corrrect opening date of ibis and donate one night stay as the prize.
-- Y'day. evening,(sat.), while supping in DICK'S CAFE., (business was poor - LESS than a score of us happy eaters; scarcely enough to keep their staff occupied.), I chatted with Mons. Lucas and took the opportunity to confirm the current rates in TARNTAWAN PLACE HOTEL., (Suriwong rd.), wch. is well-known to be g*y-friendly.
- I was told that rates per noctem vary between 2,300.oo.Bh. to 2.7K.Bh. depending upon choice of room - all taxes, b'fast. etc. incl.. - They've intro'd. a Special & Summer Offer of 7.0.K.Bh. for basically three nights incl. of taxes and of b'fasts., one free tea & cakes in DICK'S CAFE., one free drink in BALL'S BAR, one free & Th. massage, one free half-day city tour and so on - but check with the web-site below for complete info.! - further info.: tel.: (02)-238 2620. -- -- E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- DICK'S CAFE. has hand-outs for the XUAN MAI HOTEL in HO CHI MINH CITY, VIET NAM, (see Cruising for sex: Asia > Viet Nam. for further details.), so I presume that it's g*y friendly? -- Bibi.. -- |
I n the 90's Swiss Lodge was one of the early "gay friendly" hotels.Was always keen to try it and due to loyalty points with Agoda was able to for 3 days.
Location at Thanon Convent is very convenient and it is a lovely tree-lined, east-west restaurant populated street.The hotel has spacious rooms for boutique hotel,well managed,clean and comfortable.Probably will need a makeover within five years.Like Tarntawan it is not really for the price sensitive but I enjoyed my stay there. I don't take back company overnight so don't know their attitude,but I did take a Thai friend up to show him the room and they were hardly interested.The other guests seemed to be middle of the road people and it may be a little staid for some. Best reasons to stay are the location,surrounding ambience to hotel,rooftop pool and a good breakfast restaurant. |
- loc'n.: 3, Thanon Convent, (roughly opp. to Si Lom 4.), Si Lom, BKK. 10500.; - BTS. & MRT.: Sala Saeng, (S2.), & Silom; - contact: tel.:(02)-233 5345., 'fax.: (+66 2)-236 9425. -- - rates: vary between 5,200.Bh. (Superior), and 9,100.Bh., (VIP.), (both are nett, all of the usual facilities for a boutique htl. and incl. buffet b'fast.),. - I was handed,too, a 'Packages.' brochure, consisting of six different pkgs.:Transit, Week-end and so on. -- Usual disclaimer; I've never stayed there, but eat in their THREE ON COVENT rest't. for lunches. from time to time, wch. are fair enough value for money nowadays. -- Bibi.. -- |
Those "rate cards" almost always feature "rack rates" that are way above what can be found on the net.
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