Hi Sexy Tiler, I think the massage place next to Purple Drugs is not T Massage...it is named something else I am sure. But you are correct...now i rememeber, T massage is on Surawongse somewhere opposite the back entrance of Bangkok Christian Hospital.
The reason I was not offered a book of photos at Prime is only because I ALWAYS pick my massage boy outside in the street...photos never seem to represent the boys accurately. I just head for the boy I like most and ask him for a Thai massage. While it does circumvent the massage boy rotation system operated by most "straight" massage places, they don't mind if you also mumble about having had an excellent massage from him previously(even if you've never seen him before). I never allow the establishment to pick a boy for me and they never insist. For Beethoven, Prime massage is halfway along Silom soi 6. It is in a corner on the dogleg in the middle of the soi. I don't want to mention the name of a boy who likes to pleasure his customers in a place that does not offer itself as a gay sex massage place. It could cause problems for the boy if someone comes in and tells the boss he read somewhere about so-and-so giving good sex. But I can say he is slim, dark, young, small, hard bodied, not particularly cute with a small soft penis that grows to happy medium when smoked. |
Beethoven..I PM'd you the boy's name.
I always select a Thai massage in loctations that seem to offer "straight" massage. I know some will say it is dangerous and harmful etcc...but it gives you an accurate and cheap insight into the boy's potential. I think the 'dangerous' part of a Thai massage suggested by other posters is when you are sitting down and the boy is behind you yanking your back sideways or whatever. In my experience, you seldom have time to get beyond the legs and nipple stage before sex takes over and the rest of the massage is lost in a sea of cum. Obviously anal sex is not possible during a Thai massage due to a lack of sanitary options, but you can alway upgrade to an oil massage after you have discovered what's on offer in a discreet manner. |
Sukhothai Massage, Silom
Thank you, Yannawa. You are very kind. I also like the "straight" places as well, although some are more like whore houses than a whore house. Speaking of, has anyone visited Sukhothai Massage on Silom, opposite Siam Sawasdee Massage? It is a rather run down little joint with lots of masseurs (I was told upwards of 60), many of whom will do more than one might expect of a traditional Thai massage. It is, however, somewhat hit and miss. I have had one or two nice experiences and a few not so pleasant. No yet come across a smoker, but have had quite a few who are willing to be smoked. Anyone else had any experiences at this venue.
different, yet same...
so i rarely post but always read here. and glad to see that there is much more activity on this site then there used to be. and about one of my favorite topics, no less.
so a couple of questions to some of you usual (or perhaps like me, lurking...) readers: does anyone go to janpa anymore? if so, how is it. has anyone tried spabkk on soi phipat? what's the latest with candle t and its many iterations? i saw some drama about it on sawasdee forum but it suddently stopped without further explanation. thanks, guys. |
1.- From Si Lom rd., (nrest. BTS.: Sala Daeng,[S2.],) - 1.1.- Walk-away from Rama IV. rd. & from LUMPINI PK. to to Si Lom soi 6., wch. is on the NORTH side of Si Lom rd., (roughly opp. & between UNITED CENTRE BLDG. and BKK. BANK HD. OFFICE.), say 350yds. from BTS. stn.), there is a branch of BOFY DESIGN P'MACY. on the corner; 1.2.- Walk right along Si Lom 6. for approx. 100yds. - you'll see THAIRAKU massage parlor straight ahead of you, (magenta & white on orange sign.); 1.3. - Make a LEFT turn, so that the a/m. massage parlor and then UK. MANSION will be on your RHS.; on your LHS. will be a fairly newly built bldg. with acc'n & offices for rent; 1.4- At the farther end of the a/m. bldg. - just before a multi-story car-park and a tee-junc. - you'll find THE PRIME, wch. has a large white and yellow advert. outside extending UP for several floors. 2.- From Suriwong rd., (nrest. MRT.: Sam Yan.) - 2.1.- Walk- along S'wong. rd. away from Rama IV. rd. & Henri Dunant rd. junc.; 2.2.- After approx. 500yds. you'll come to the TAWANA BKK. HOTEL on your RHS.; 2.3.- Opp. you'll see Soi Than Tawan, (there's a pharmacy & a photo. shop on each corner); 2.4.- Walk-along Soi T. Tawan, (passing INDRA MSG. on yr. LHS. & TAWAN MEN'S BAR on yr. RHS.), for approx. 150yds.and you'll see THE PRIME, with its large white and yellow advert. directly ahead of you. - In fact Si Lom soi 6 and Soi Than Tawan are the same soi but different names depending upon wch. end one is! - THE PRIME's 'phone. no. is: (02)-634 2078.. -- Enjoy and bibi.. -- |
-- The above shews two things to me - 1.- A masseur trying to impose what he wants on a paying customer and demanding an exhorbitant amt. of money up front and before doing anything; a TIPS. is given by a customer after the svce. to shew his appreciation of the svces. rendered. 2.- The need for a customer to verify that his masseur is indeed 'Fresh.'; I think that there was some correspondence about this sometime ago and in connection with FAN CLUB? -- Bibi.. -- |
- Next to PURPLE DRUGS was BUSABA DAY SPA. & MASSAGE, (#23/1.), wch. has CLOSED-DOWN, now to be replaced by Busaba Eating-house, (possibly they'll make MORE money that way?),. A waitress - speaking good English - told me that BUSABA DAY SPA. & MASSAGE would re-OPEN next month in Si Lom soi 10., wch. looks to be a bit out-of-the-way to these eyes. - I walked thither but saw no signs of any work in progress for this re-opening. -- Bibi.. -- |
Yes, that's it, Busaba. I once had a small lad there who was very exciting during a Thai massage and stripped to the skin very soon after starting and was great to smoke. Especially his balls which caused him to whisper "You are very good". I love comments like that. I also had him at my home a couple of times. I think his name is the same as the letter between S and U. He moved on to that small place round the corner on Surawongse, set into a little nook roughly opposite to the end of go-go street...you can see the boys outside. I wondered about Busaba..as I said I saw no boys or girls outside last week and it was the only place on Thanya where the staff would call out to non-Japanese.
There is a similar little place on Rama 4 side of Sukothai massage...but never seen any boy I really liked...as with Sukothai. They boys just look dusty and lacklustre to me. Maybe I am just too fussy to really appreciate how lucky we are to have such a huge choice of fairly-priced quality massages. I cannot recall ever having so many available before. |
I was just fooling around, trying to joke about checking on buses to White House Spa, actually for myself, while claiming (nod, nod, wink, wink) to be doing it for S*xtile! Sorry if I annoyed you, S*xtile. I had no intention whatever of maligning bus users. I'm one myself. Keep the taxi fares for bigger things :D I always say. BTW I live in the area, so had wanted to contribute my 2 satangs' worth about buses. |
[quote=Beethoven;663394 Speaking of, has anyone visited Sukhothai Massage on Silom, opposite Siam Sawasdee Massage? It is a rather run down little joint with lots of masseurs (I was told upwards of 60), many of whom will do more than one might expect of a traditional Thai massage. It is, however, somewhat hit and miss. I have had one or two nice experiences and a few not so pleasant. No yet come across a smoker, but have had quite a few who are willing to be smoked. Anyone else had any experiences at this venue.[/QUOTE]
Beethoven.....we've discussed Sukothai Massage on this board several times. Although I've not scrolled back to re-read the reviews, I think that the overall opinions of several posters is that there are a LOT of other, better places on offer than Sukothai. I've been there and have no need to return. |
I must find that previous discussion on confirming 'freshness' that you mention. Yannawa wisely does his massage boy round-up on the S&P morning shift, I note! |
- Absolutely no need to apologies whatsoever - actually I was rather amused and larfed - ha! Ha!! -- Bibi.. -- |
Could I trouble someone to post the directions to Prime massage? The recent review has me aflutter.[/QUOTE] -- Seeking something else I scrolled right the way through the THAILAND > Massage thread and came-across the flg. entries regarding THE PRIME in its early days - 1.- #27. - 22 sep 07.; 2.- #67. - 22 oct 07. and 3.- #121. - 09 nov 07.. -- Bibi.. -- |
- Apologies but can't find it right now. - The flg. names ring a faint bell in what passes for my amnesic memory - 1.- FAN CLUB; 2.- Billinbkk. and/or Scoops. -- E&OE., corr'ns. welcomed! -- Bibi.. -- |
Thanks a lot for your efforts. I've been searching on FRESH and will try it again, more carefully. |
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