The prince ...
-- Recently a mature & English colleague & I met over a morning's coffees; - In the course of our chatting the subject of THE PRINCE came-up; - My colleague mentioned that an acquaintance of his had visited THE PRINCE not too long ago; I was given to u'stand. the flg. - - Acquaintance's ETA.: between 13.-14.oo.hrs.; - First impressions were that little money had been spared in outfitting the place - elegance & de luxe to an HIGH degree; -- At that time only some half-a-dozen or so masseurs on duty, but he was given to u'stand. that MORE, (another dozen PLUS.), would come-in later on and that there's a pool of upto 100 to call upon if really busy; - He enjoyed an hour or so's massage, (type not mentioned), nor was anything said about an HE. or similar, (Yes - I did enquire! ;-) ),; -- The final bill was in the region of some 3,000.Bh., wch. the acquaintance reckoned was money well spent! -- E&OE. as reported speech. -- :) |
Thank you. I will be in Bangkok next Saturday so I will have the opportunity to sample the place for myself. |
The prince
- And not just for yourself but for all of your other & eager readers who'll be awaiting yr. report with 'bated. breath! -- :) |
THE PRINCE, Men's SPA. ...
-- As opposed to second hand info. here are a few facts -
-tel.: (02)- 429 2222. & 679 3355.; - e-mail: > < - web: > Untitled Document < - hours: 13.-23.oo.hrs.; - Rooms' types: Std., Deluxe V., Deluxe Jacuzzi Va., Deluxe Jacuzzi V1. & Deluxe Jacuzzi V2.; - Some selected svces. for 60./90./120 mins. - 1.- Aroma oil - 800./1,000./ - .; 2.- Cream - 900./1,100./ - .; 3.- Scrub-salt+aroma oil - 1,200./1,700./2,000.; 4.- Scrub-salt+cream - 1,300./1,800./2,100.. - There is also a 'Special Promo.' valid mons.-fris.. - No mention made of TIPS.. -- Source: Advert. in freebie & Monthly MAX Magazine - #120.; --- e-mail: > < |
I've been to iSpa now, and it was quite nice. I had Mark, who was sweet as can be, with a nice thick dick, and fully flexible. Recommended.
hi, anyone knows the surcharge of hero massage if you want to use their vip room vs the ordinary room?
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thanks. i hope the 1500 includes the massage fee as well.
Is it accessible?
ISPA. - Ratana Thibet rd. ...
- I have not visited either, but initially this is how I would go about it - 1.- Go to > < and download its map, wch. is in Thai; Ratana Thibet rd., (rd. no. 302.), runs HORIZONTALLY roughly across the middle and has BIG C EXTRA prominently shewn on it; 2.- Go to VICTORY MON'T. and take 'bus. #522. to THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan, (the 'bus's. 2nd. stop; the MALL will come-up on yr. RHS. ),; 3.- Cross-over the rd. and take 'bus. #18., 134., 177., 191., 337., 388. or 528. to BIG C EXTRA - Ratana Thibet rd., LHS. , (exactly where you'll be set-down I don't know, ask driver and/or 'bus-conductor - but the BIG C EXTRA should be fairly visible.); distance between THE MALL & BIG C EXTRA approx. 2.85M., (from the map.),; 4.- On the opposite side of the rd. to BIG C EXTRA, and on either side of the soi that will take you towards ISPA. should be a branches of KRUNG THAI BANK and MITSUBISHI CAR-SHOWROOMS, (?),; 5.- Consult your map for the final stages. -- ISPA's tel.: (02)-965 7793-94. and ask for dir'ns., (English spoken - ?),. -- Or, at THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan shew yr. map to a taxi-driver and ask him to take you thither. -- NB.: The above is a theoretical & map-exercise; I consulted: 1.- > < 2.- BKK. City Atlas - ISBN. 9-789749 440780 - 5th. edn.; 3.- Map of BKK. - ISBN. 9 789744 850386 - 4.- BKK. Bus Guide - ISBN. 9 786169 018926 - pub'd. by Thinknet -- "Bonne chance et bonne chasse!". -- :) |
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ISPA. - Ratana Thibet rd. ...
-- Khun Bago, - Should you elect to go to ISPA. - Ratana Thibet rd., soi 28. - by taxi, and the driver cannot follow Icon's English-language map, wch. you have been clutching in your hot little hand, then he can call ISPA., speaking Thai to Thai, on his, (or possibly your?), cell-'phone at > 088 003 9833. < , (number taken from the website.),. -- :) |
That google map is very clear. So it is really out in nowhere!
It's not as if it's in the middle of a rice paddy. Millions of people live in that area (including hundreds of expats a hop, skip, and a jump away in Nichada Thani). |
-- Tsk! Tsk!! khun Bago - - How could you write that; ISPA. is little more than a stone's throw away from the IMMIG'N. BUREAU on Chaeng Wattana rd. - a place that is so well-known to many, many Aliens! ;) -- :) |
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