"Safari (the web browser) can’t open the page “http://www.gsmsauna.com/” because Safari can’t find the server “www.gsmsauna.com”.
Next month is next week, so ... |
1.- I was unable to DOWNload it, also. So I availed of search-engine Google wch. has several entries relating to GSM. SAUNA. - none of wch. I bothered to read; 2.- Thou speakest the sooth ... . But just between us girls I would not start raising yr. expectations and dropping your skirt just yet! ;) -- :) |
Re-opening soon?
-- A few days ago my Elderly, Frequently visiting & American Friend went to GSM. SAUNA. to find-out if it had RE-OPENED?
- It is CLOSED still; - On enquiring about any possible RE-OPENING he was given a disinterested shrug of the shoulders. As far as GSM. SAUNA. is concerned I'd write that that seems to be Par For The Course: :( |
Gsm. Sauna ...
-- Today, (02 jun.), having business in CHINATOWN I looked-in at GSM. SAUNA -
- I took the elevator up to the 7fl. and walked-around that floor; just as I was about to leave an elderly & Ch.-looking man descended the stairs and approached. I shewed him the note on wch. was written in Thai: 'When will GSM. SAUNA re-open?'; - He motioned to me to accompany him; we descended to the 3fl. where he handed me over to a middle-aged man wearing an orange tee-shirt, to whom I shewed the note; - After looking at it he shewed me into an office where a managerial-looking man appeared to be i'viewing a pleasant-looking, Thai & YM.. The two men spoke together for awhile before the man in the orange tee-shirt ushered me out; - In the corridor I was told that the Sauna would RE-OPEN in two to three months; - Looking-at him straight in the eyes I asked: "100%. for sure?"; - He held my look and replied that nearer the time I should check the SAUNA's web-site for confirm'n.. -- I conlude, as usual, E&OE.! -- :) |
I'm sure they were mildly amused that a farang was standing there demanding a "100% guarantee" of when the sauna would open.
No wonder the Thai think we're all batty. Posted via Mobile Device |
-- As someone who was not present at our meeting I find your use of the word 'Demanding.' somewhat surprising. One remembers that that sauna was supposed to RE-OPEN in november last year - some six or so months ago. 1.- In fact after saying "100%. for sure.' I winked at him to shew him that in fact I was not 100%. serious. 2.- Write for yourself, but please do not tar all farangs with the same brush; some of us maybe but mildly eccentric, ;) |
Just jerking your chain, sextile. I anxiously await further news on this sauna, seeing as it seems to pull on so many heartstrings.
Posted via Mobile Device |
UP-DATE on 02 Jul. ...
-- On 02 jul. - Gen'l. Election Eve - my Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend, who happened to be in C'Town., visited GSM. SAUNA.;
- He told me that communication problems Thai:farang didn't help; but, as far as he was able to u'stand., there seems to be no urgency on RE-OPENING - 'A distinct lack of interest and of any desire to be helpful.' was his summary. -- He re-joined me today a'noon., having ret'd. from his 'Devotions.' in C'Town., and where he met one of his regular & local aquaintances. The latter was reported as having his doubts as to whether GSM. SAUNA. would RE-OPEN in the near future, or if at all? -- :( |
Sounds like GSM got entangle with some old govt regulatory issue; but hopefully newly installed party may give it a new life in the not too distant future. My assumption and hope. |
No news
Still no news I gather?
:D:D:D |
Mission accomplished ...
-- Today, (23 sep.), I visited GSM. SAUNA.;
- There was no need to step OUT of the elevator; likewise I saw no need to visit the office and to receive an answerless answer. - Verb. sap.. -- :) |
As most people have been busy trying to keep the water out, I guess there are no "good" news regarding this establishment?
-- Khun HV., - May I advise you to get-over whatever attraction GSM. SAUNA may have had for you - remembering that it was supposed to have RE-OPENED in nov. last year. - I re-visited today, 22nd. nov., a'noon. and unsurprisingly found it CLOSED to the gen'l. public. Its laundry is in use, but purely to supply clean linens to the GSM. GUEST-HOUSE; the laundry-lady wagged a finger at me and pronounced the word 'CLOSED.' with a certain finality. -- RIP. -- :) |
In BKK tonight I can report that contrary to recent reports, SCREW BOY is very much open and I got blank looks when I asked if they had been closed.
Boys looked to be of the more vintaged variety and none of the cheeky puppies I fondly remember. Headed down to SOLID where a crop of new boys evident. My selected 22 y.o was so horny we never made it to the pre-event shower (boy he was a good kisser) but he came in 2 mins flat. I decided that was not very good value for money so after a few minutes rest I set to work on his most impressive (long and thich ) cock which after a little resistance rose manfully to the occassion and produced the most impressive cum shot I've seen (dvd or live) hitting the wall only just below the ceiling in a great gushing spurt that any fire-extinguisher company would envy :) and I think even surprised el puuchai himself. God I love this country ......... |
does solid also have s*x shows? i do recall that this is located out of the normal gay spot. what is the number of the guy you offed?
Skinny Mamasan very helpful and give you run-down on all the boys. Solid has air-con cubicles upstairs which are passable for a quick f**k.(300 bt for short time from memory,, plus 300bt off fee and min 1,000 bt tip for boy.) Never remember numbers, but he was NOT Isaan, from Ayuthaya and only there since 1st Jan. PS. Sorry my previous post went to wrong thread (was a bit pissed last night) - but guess its stuck here now? Meant to go under "Solid" or "Go go" threads. |
SCREWBOYS - Phat pong 2. ...
-- "Guilty as charged, M'lud.". - I'm happy to be corrected and to read that SCREWBOYS - Phat phong 2. remains OPEN. - In fact I did check a few days ago; but between the young man's ltd. English and my ditto Thai we didn't get v. far; hence my plan to drop-IN one evening to verify for myself - but you've beaten me to it, so I can go elsewhere! ;) -- :) |
-- Thanks for yr. reminder about that sleaze a go-go bar SUPER A.; ;) - Perhaps, Gentle Reader, we should make a point of patronising such places lest they go the way of THE PRINCE CINEMA: :( -- :) |
Solid, Super A, Golden Cock and Nature Boy are all in the same general area, all have drinks half the price of Soi Twightlight, all permit inspection and handling of the goods, and most have some sort of upstairs facilities if needed. (except Nature boy.) |
But in Nature Boy you just do it in the bar :-)
Interesting to see different opinions - I was in Screwboys a few weeks ago and Khun Phon was all agog about his new crop of boys most of whom looked too tall and too straight and too interested in their mobile phones for my taste, but last night they were all gone and it was back to some of the tired old regulars who really are almost as tired and old as I am! so off to Solid and Super A but last night the few interesting new guys that I had enjoyed at both places seem to have disappeared - but the hard core regulars at Super A are always worth a visit, more so than Solid, but obviously I just go bar hopping on the wrong nights! bkkguy |
1. the wandering off of this thread- dear khun moderator, would it be possible to move the last postings to apprpriate gog-bar thread, does not seem to much to do with GSDM
2.re GSM; not re this sauna, but from a report from ''trevvy' I may conclude that the newly opened bangkok10 on Sri Praya rd (not very far from Hotmail soi) was told to have excellent facilities, all new and shiny and discoverd buy the crowd that the old GSM used to have. But maybe this was just a one -off. |
thanks Pong for your tip
tried Bangkok10 Club (on SriPraya near corner of Cheoronkrung) near Sheraton on the river...Bangkok10 Club Bangkok10 Club is the local branch of the cozy TenMens Club in Chinatown in Singapore... TenMens Club Singapore Bangkok10 seems to attract older Thais, a few twinks, a few muscle bears...its a very small (but newer) version of defunct GSM... very new, so it hasnt made the Bangkok sauna lists yet... Bangkok Saunas as listed by GayScout |
As for GSM. SAUNA ...
-- Following-up on Khun Biggles'. excursion to GSM. SAUNA I went thither today, 24 jan., a'noon. MORE for olde sake's sake than with any great expectations;
- I was not disappointed - no signs of any life whatsoever; although a large clock by the Recept'n. Desk was keeping good time, I noticed; plus, on the counter, there was what appeared to be a logging IN & OUT book for staff. -- :) |
Gsm.. Sauna ...
-- Today, 18 june 2013., I re-visited GSM. SAUNA - no change from my earlier report above. - Possibly it should be consigned, like OBELISK SAUNA, to the 'Gone but not forgotten file.'? |
which sauna has an active common area?
I guess there will be no rising Phoenix and that the ashes of GSM is buried once and for all.
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