There are plenty of farang admirers in every sauna in Thailand.
If you are relatively young and relatively fit. |
"If you are relatively young and relatively fit."
--------------------------------- It would seem that those qualifiers present somewhat of a limiting factor on this board. Do you think those admirers would settle for just "relatively fit"? |
Frankly, no.
You are not going to find some magical place full of 20 year-old Thai guys who are into farangs three times their age. No one would reasonably expect to find that in their home country, so I'm not sure why they would expect to find it in Thailand. Thai guys are mostly like guys everywhere else: into guys around their own age. There are exceptions of course, but I have not found them to be any more numerous percentage-wise than they are anywhere else. Those exceptions can mostly be found at Babylon. |
Alas, I suspect you speak the truth, Icon.
Nevertheless, we mature readers are inclined to view the glass as half-full. We cling, against informed guidance, to believe that a non-Babylonian Shangri-La exists--or soon might--in our beloved LOS. |
Keep your hopes alive, but your wallet handy.
I wholly agree, Icon. We must keep hope alive, but be mindful of wisdom uncolored by wishful thinking--no matter how tantalizing.
-- A couple of days ago my Elderly, Well-dressed & American Acquaintance ret'd. to GSM. SAUNA..
- Guess what he managed to find-out, (despite speaking nitnoi Thai.)? - The projected re-opening has been delayed yet again, this time to mid-february; (I wonder if I dare write-down the year?),. :rolleyes: |
As it is nearing the end of February, maybe there might be some news about the Chinatown sauna?
-- Knowing that my Elderly, WYSIWYG. & American Friend would be going to CHINATOWN today, 23 feb., a'noon., (visiting both the Cinema and to buy some pharmaceuticals from the lady with the fold-up table* not far from GSM. SAUNA, on Charoen Krung.), I asked him to look-in at GSM. SAUNA. and to enquire about its OPENING? - Well, any guesses as to the answer given to him? 'Next month.', was the reply - but haven't we heard that one before? -- A Thai man who just hapened to be standing nearby suggested that my friend avail of the flg. web-site: > < ; I haven't done so as yet but mention it for what it might be worth. --* See thread Cialis in BKK., posting #02.. -- :) |
"Safari (the web browser) can’t open the page “” because Safari can’t find the server “”.
Next month is next week, so ... |
1.- I was unable to DOWNload it, also. So I availed of search-engine Google wch. has several entries relating to GSM. SAUNA. - none of wch. I bothered to read; 2.- Thou speakest the sooth ... . But just between us girls I would not start raising yr. expectations and dropping your skirt just yet! ;) -- :) |
Re-opening soon?
-- A few days ago my Elderly, Frequently visiting & American Friend went to GSM. SAUNA. to find-out if it had RE-OPENED?
- It is CLOSED still; - On enquiring about any possible RE-OPENING he was given a disinterested shrug of the shoulders. As far as GSM. SAUNA. is concerned I'd write that that seems to be Par For The Course: :( |
Gsm. Sauna ...
-- Today, (02 jun.), having business in CHINATOWN I looked-in at GSM. SAUNA -
- I took the elevator up to the 7fl. and walked-around that floor; just as I was about to leave an elderly & Ch.-looking man descended the stairs and approached. I shewed him the note on wch. was written in Thai: 'When will GSM. SAUNA re-open?'; - He motioned to me to accompany him; we descended to the 3fl. where he handed me over to a middle-aged man wearing an orange tee-shirt, to whom I shewed the note; - After looking at it he shewed me into an office where a managerial-looking man appeared to be i'viewing a pleasant-looking, Thai & YM.. The two men spoke together for awhile before the man in the orange tee-shirt ushered me out; - In the corridor I was told that the Sauna would RE-OPEN in two to three months; - Looking-at him straight in the eyes I asked: "100%. for sure?"; - He held my look and replied that nearer the time I should check the SAUNA's web-site for confirm'n.. -- I conlude, as usual, E&OE.! -- :) |
I'm sure they were mildly amused that a farang was standing there demanding a "100% guarantee" of when the sauna would open.
No wonder the Thai think we're all batty. Posted via Mobile Device |
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