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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   CIRCUMCISION - a Thai PoV.?

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Old 16th April 2009, 12:52 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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--Some days ago Khun Aek - 23YO. - visited me.
- He dropped his jeans, gestured and asked me if he should 'Cut down there?'.
- Of course - I being I - I misu'stood. him and enquired why he wanted to be c'cised.?
- He pulled an horrible face and made it all too clear that that wasn't what he meant - as I well-knew - and that he was talking-about his pubic hair.
- That made me wonder as to the gen'l. Thai attitude to c'cision.? My exhaustive, ('Exhausting.'? - Printer's Devil.), researches have led me to believe that c'cised. Thais are indeed in a minority.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 16th April 2009, 12:59 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

Of course they are a minority - I thought you knew that first-hand?

The question of circumcision for many Thais is entwined with question of the Buddhist-Muslim divide. I've come across many Thais who were aghast when, because they had a short prepuce, I asked if they were circumcised. "Not Muslim!" they said in response to my faux pas.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 16th April 2009, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by sloot View Post
Of course they are a minority - I thought you knew that first-hand? ... .

-- With both hands - ha!
- But seriously I've not heard that reply of 'Not Muslim.' before.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 16th April 2009, 05:31 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by sextile View Post
--Some days ago Khun Aek - 23YO. - visited me.
- He dropped his jeans, gestured and asked me if he should 'Cut down there?'.
- Of course - I being I - I misu'stood. him and enquired why he wanted to be c'cised.?
- He pulled an horrible face and made it all too clear that that wasn't what he meant - as I well-knew - and that he was talking-about his pubic hair.
- That made me wonder as to the gen'l. Thai attitude to c'cision.? My exhaustive, ('Exhausting.'? - Printer's Devil.), researches have led me to believe that c'cised. Thais are indeed in a minority.
-- Bibi. --
I hope you advised him NOT to cut his pubic hair! With shaved pubes and AH they can look like recently plucked and moderately boiled chicken.. (the clucking variety that is!)
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Old 16th April 2009, 08:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by TSTPaul View Post
I hope you advised him NOT to cut his pubic hair! With shaved pubes and AH they can look like recently plucked and moderately boiled chicken. ... .

-- I replied - in the usual & Thai fashion - "Up to you.".
- But rest assured, all that he's done is to trim as necessary.
- Agreed, there are few things worse to behold that shaven pubes with the freshly sprouting hair resembling this now fashionable facial stubble - ugh!
-- Bibi. --
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Old 16th April 2009, 08:16 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325

"I not Muslim!" - this adamant answer was given to me by two separate boys a few years apart.

A similar answer was given once when, dining with a boy I had off'd for a few days, I tried to be a good host and asked if there was any thing I should avoid ordering.

He didn't understand me the first time, so I had to rephrase the question. "Is there anything you do not eat? Like beef, pork...."

I never got to finish the sentence. He jumped in and said "Only Muslim don't eat pork. I Buddha."

It seemed very important to these fellas that I should not mistake them for Southern Thai Muslims.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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Old 17th April 2009, 09:35 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 162

Circumcision is totally unthinkable for a (Buddhist) Thai or any non-Muslim Asian, except in acute medical situations.

Shaving one's pubic hair, I have noticed to my dismay, is becoming popular in Thailand, especially in Chiangmai. The boys would say their (luscious and delicious) dark patch looks "dirty". Can't believe they like their plucked chicken!
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Old 17th April 2009, 11:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Originally Posted by Bago View Post
Circumcision is totally unthinkable for a (Buddhist) Thai or any non-Muslim Asian, except in acute medical situations.
Not entirely. I have at least three Thai (Buddhist) friends who are circumcised for purely aesthetic reasons --as well as a couple of Chinese (Taiwanese) ones. There seems to be a growing fashion for it among middle and upper classes.

Also don't forget that circumcision is the norm in the Philippines, among members of all religions.
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Old 18th April 2009, 12:38 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
1.- ... . There seems to be a growing fashion for it among middle and upper classes.
2.- Also don't forget that circumcision is the norm in the Philippines, among members of all religions.

1.- Possibly some sort of status symbol - 'See, my parents, or I, have the money to spend on this op.'; just as it was in pre-1939. GB..

-- When I used to patronise NICE GUYS, (now B&N. Massage.), - as it then was - quite regularly one time, and for a bit of fun, I asked the M'san. for a boi who's c'cised.. 'You mean the 'skin. rolls-back?'. "No - he's been cut by a Dr.", using my fingers to illustrate. The M'san. had to ask amongst the dozen or so assembled boyz for anyone who was c'cised.; one boi raised his hand and I chose him, from I-San and a non-Muslim as it happened.

2.- In the RP. it's refered to as 'The Gateway to Manhood.'; having seen photos. of semi-public mass-c'cisions., often with no anaesthetics, carried-out at the behest of wannabee politicians - vote-buying? - or gps. such as the Rotarians, it's v. much a test of Manhood,with the boyz being held-down by their friends.
- In some rural parts it's carried-out annually on Maundy Thursday, the post-op. a'noon. is spent in some icy-cold pool to dull the pain; on Good Friday the newly c'cised. youths are the ones given the respondibility of supporting the statues etc. of the suffering Christ, the BVM., local Saints and so on.

-- In my foster grand-sons' village, in farthest DAVAO, a travelling Dr. passed-by and offered to c'cise. any youths who were ready for it. Several youths submitted.
- Some days later they all had dripping sores from the wounds; the youth whose educ'n. I'm sponsoring had the means to go quickly to the local hospital for trtmnt.; the others were not so lucky, some parents managed to raise loans on their ptys.. An hue and cry was raised, and with suitable encouragememt - just like here in TH.! - the local police eventually apprehended the Dr.. One of my g.-sons, who's training to be an atty., ret'd. to the village to offer counselling and support. The case went-up before His Honor and surprisingly quickly for the RP. - where justice can move as slowly as snails in treacle - the accused was found guilty and sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

-- Quite by chance, one day, I was wandering idly around one of the many run-down shopping-malls in MNL. in wch. there were several dealers in antiques - 'Caveat emptor.'! - one of them had an olde looking & wooden statue that was over 200yrs. old, or so I was assured - ha! That man was c'cised. all too obviously and in gt. detail.
-- Bibi. --
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