Short time hotel
Any suggestion for a decent short time hotel in Bangkok where I can my Thai friends for some fun?
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What part of town?
Anywhere really, but Silom or Sukhimvit?
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Silom is limited pretty much to the usual haunts: Suriwong Hotel, BBB Inn, and Nagara.
BBB Inn is probably best of the bunch. Lower Sukhumvit has the PB Hotel and the Penthouse, both on the short soi that connects Sukhumvit Soi 3 and Soi 11. Both are OK, about same standard. |
dont worry=your new friends will know more.
Its NIAgara-down soi 9, signposted at bak-soi- worn and quiet. For real moneyboys far too far to walk there. |
You might want to try a sauna (they all have cabana rooms). There's a new sauna, Style Sauna, down the small soi 2/1 on the other side of Silom Rd. from Silom Complex. Go down the soi, and you'll see Richard's Restaruant at end in front. Turn left, go to end, and Style Sauna is on right (corner). I went there several times on my trip several weeks ago. Entry was 150 baht--but they gave me a coupon for free entry. New concrete structure--nice--cabana rooms on 2 different floors, shower area, sauna, steam room on another floor. Open 3 to 3. The only thing that bothered me was I'm not sure if the towels will correctly cover the windows on the doors (I was able to spy a little on some people). But I don't think I had any problem covering the window myself when I went in with someone. It might be the way the hook is compared with the dimensions of the windows.
There is another sauna, Sauna Mania, off Soi Convent (also near Silom Rd.). They're open until 6 a.m. on weekends. |
-- But note that for fridays & saturdays - according to a sign posted on the front window - they're OPEN 15.hrs. 'till. late! - Sanookie dee, mak mak! ;) |
Directions to Chong Nonsi locality « Shamelessmack in Thailand and around I've never used it but I recall a report by someone who claimed he had, which spoke of roaches. It is, as Pong said, a bit too far to walk from the Silom Soi 2 or Soi Twilight areas. |
STYLE BKK. - Corr'n. to hours ...
-- Today, (24th.), forenoon I passed-by STYLE BKK. and noted a new sign posted atop its illuminated & mobile sign, black writing on a dk. gn. bkgd., shewing its new hours of OPENING - 1.- Mon.-thu.: 12.-01.oo.hrs. & 2.- Fri-sun.: 12.-late. |
-- 'It all depends ... .' as the late Prof. CEM. Joad was fond of saying. - The olde & unremodelled rooms are available for between 300.-350.Bh. for 3hrs.; while the recently remodelled rooms are avail. for 500.Bh./3hrs.. -- E&OE. as I've not availed recently, some info. based upon hearsay. -- Be advised that some boyz prefer not to go-back to the a/m. hotel, so possibly use will have to be made of another htl. such as BBB. INN - about wch. I have no info at all. |
I stopped using BBB Inn long time ago. rooms are nice enough (but mostly no windows).
Reasons: - Arrogance of front desk staff (often speaking down to the working boys). - Had a couple of instances where the female staff at the premises, sitting very close to the check-in counter, started saying / repeating "har parn", "har parn" (meaning 5 thousand tip). - Had several instances of being shown to the room by the bell-boy who very quickly, and without asking, opened the bar fridge, very quickly pulled out two bottles of beer and very quickly opened them, all done in a flash. Added to the bill of course. I'm not a cheap charlie and on many occasions I have asked my 'companion' if he would like a beer or whatever, but I object to the BBB inn tactics. |
Short time hotels are also known as numbered hotels - 69 hotel or 444hotel. thers is one on Sukhumvit soi 40 ( 40 winks ? or some such name)
short time hotels
There is one called hotel 27 down a small soi off soi 20/22 Sukhamvit. There is a big hotel at the top of the soi. they do both short and long stay at about 350 bhat a night. pretty basic but it does have shower tv full fridge a giant king sized bed and giant mirrors along the headboard and down the side of the bed. and no one bats an eyelid to the groans and shouting from both girls and guys who uses it, total sleaze but worth every bhat.
Saphan kwai area ...
-- Today, (17th.), a'noon. I walked the length and back along Pradiphat rd., (approx. 1,000.yds. in either dir'n.), seeking any hotels with short-time rooms - I found none. :(
- But possibly any pick-ups from the PHAHON CINEMA or from elsewhere in that area will know where to go? - Corr'ns. requested! |
-- Local knowledge, can't be beaten, can it? - So, we'd be looking-at the gen'l. area of Pradiphat sois 8. or 10., (approx. 800yds. from the Phahon Yothin:P'phat. i'sect.), then? - Thanks for pointing me in the right dir'n.. |
That's the Pradiphat Hotel. I stopped using it because they charge farangs a "special rate" that is more "special" for them than for us!
I prefer the Mit Aree, which is a short cab ride away on Phaholyothin Soi 7 (Aree). |
-- Khun Icon, - Is it the PRADIPHAT HOTEL to wch. you went? - As far as I could see, and I entered that hotel to collect a brochure and to talk with the two Receptionistes, (both speak passable English.), that hotel is not on a soi ... but is fronting P'phat. rd. itself. I saw no signs of any short-time rooms; in fact I asked specifically if there are any? - From a leaflet their Dbl./Twin room is 900.Bh. nett & incl. b'fasts. for two. -- E&OE. -- Corr'n. requested. |
It seems nobody has mentioned the Underground Sauna. It has all the facilities of a gay sauna and only 3 min walk from the cinema. Furthermore if u don't have enough, stay on for another trick.
The only porblem, it doesn't open until 3pm :-( |
If it was on the Mido Hotel side, it may have been the Chaopraya -- now demolished, I believe.
The Pradiphat Hotel short time rooms are across the soi from Charmming, if memory serves correct. |
-- Today, (20th.), forenoon I chatted about short-time hotels in the S. KWAI area with my American & WYSIWYG. friend who's an occasonal patron of the PHAHON CINEMA.;
- From an admittedly shaky memory, and allowing that he's looking-back maybe a couple or so yrs. he suggested the flg. two places - both start with leaving the a/m. cinema and turning RIGHT, (walking against the OUT-going rd.-tfc.) - 1. - On the same side of Phahonyothin rd. as the cinema and before one will reach the P'tothin.:Pradiphat i'sect. an Indian run hotel, (RHS.), with ST. rooms avail on its 4fl. for 400.Bh.; 2. - Walk as far as the a/m. i'sect. (passing both the PAULO MEM'L. HOSP'L. & BIG C. on one's LHS.), cross-over using the pedestrian bridge, leave P'yothin. & Pradiphat rds. behind one and start walking with the tfc. along Suthisan rd - maybe for as much a 2M.!? (In wch. case MRT. Suthisan might be the better option than BTS. S. Kwai, [N7.],),? -- E&OE.! -- Corr'ns. requested. |
Today i met a boy in the cinema and took him next door to 39 sauna.For both of us the first time overthere.It was naked day.Although it was the boys first visit to a gay sauna he took it very brave and did not show his shyness.We had a great time in a cubicle.For me it was a big bonus to see all those naked asian guys walking up and down,in and out the labirints.It was not overcrowded,average age about 25.And i had enough eye contact to go back there without visiting the cinema next time.Tuesday,saturdayand sunday naked day.
Very good alternative for a short stay hotel |
-- We shall look-fwd. to reading further rpts. from you about 39 U'gd. Sauna, a place that I've found to be a trifle 'Sticky.' myself; but I am a TOF. now and passed my sell-by date many a long yr. back! :o |
In my experience, you have to be either very lucky, or not picky at all, to get action at 39 Underground if you are over 40 and/or out of shape.
There's definitely lots of eye candy to enjoy, either way. |
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