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CRUISING for SEX - Robinson Silom HN Renovation

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KhunTST 26th July 2010 02:59 AM

Robinson Silom HN Renovation
The above hong nam (grnd flr) with many fond memories (none of them recent, sadly) is out of action. Last night I noticed several workman in the process of a complete gutting...

I wonder if it will remain a HN or become something else!

sextile 26th July 2010 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by KhunTST (Post 678235)
The above hong nam (grnd flr) with many fond memories (none of them recent, sadly) is out of action. Last night I noticed several workman in the process of a complete gutting...
I wonder if it will remain a HN or become something else!

-- I presume you mean the former ROBINSON'S - opposite to the DUSIT THANI HTL. - wch. is now, in part at least, FASHION OUTLET, and wch. itself will be CLOSING-DOWN at the end of this month of july.

KhunTST 26th July 2010 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 678241)

-- I presume you mean the former ROBINSON'S - opposite to the DUSIT THANI HTL. - wch. is now, in part at least, FASHION OUTLET, and wch. itself will be CLOSING-DOWN at the end of this month of july.

So what will happen to the s'mart or is the whole place to become another ghostly mess!

The absence of hard cock in the basement dunny will be missed!

sextile 26th July 2010 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by KhunTST (Post 678242)
So what will happen to the s'mart or is the whole place to become another ghostly mess!
The absence of hard cock in the basement dunny will be missed!

-- What I heard, at 2nd. if not Nth. hand, was that ROBINSON'S mngmnt. considered that place to be too small to be worth renovating & upgrading and thus did not renew their lease;
-- The bldg. was then going to become some up-mkt. fitness centre/gym. etc.;
- Whether those plans collapsed or were put-on hold I don't know, but FASHION OUTLET took-over a couple of floors; now FO. is moving-out with a final & grand sale of up to 90%. reductions! Usual disclaimer. ;)

-- Agreed about missing the b'ment's. hard cock - although I saw very little, if any, of late. :(

sextile 27th July 2010 05:07 AM

-- Today, (27th.), I dropped-IN to the former ROBINSON'S, (Now FASHION OUTLET.), mid-afternoon.
- The 1fl. hawng nahm was quite busy with several younger, but of seemingly legal age, males.
- The b'ment. HN. is v. much in the builders' hands.

sextile 28th August 2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by KhunTST (Post 678235)
The above hong nam, [TOPS in former ROBINSON'S. b'mnt.), with many fond memories (none of them recent, sadly) is out of action. Last night I noticed several workman in the process of a complete gutting...
I wonder if it will remain a HN or become something else!

-- Y'day., (28th.), evening I looked-in; it's in the builders' hands still.

sextile 1st October 2010 06:13 AM

Good news! ...
-- Today, (01st.), I entered TOPS to do some small shopping;
- Naturally I had to check-out the [i]hawng nahm[/I ]! ;)
- All y'all, and especially Khun TST., will be happy to know that it is OPEN for use;
- It is greatly improved, with new tiling, seven bowls, (rather than stalls.), with no partitions or similar between them, thus facilitating Shew & Display., and three Western-style toilet-bowls.

-- Let us hope that users, both native & farang, will behave with consideration so as not to spoil it by attraction adverse att'n..

KhunTST 1st October 2010 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by sextile (Post 679390)
-- Today, (01st.), I entered TOPS to do some small shopping;
- Naturally I had to check-out the [i]hawng nahm[/I ]! ;)
- All y'all, and especially Khun TST., will be happy to know that it is OPEN for use;

Ahhh so many happy memories of thick red rods. Will be one of the first places to check out...

sextile 25th November 2010 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by KhunTST (Post 679398)
Ahhh so many happy memories of thick red rods. Will be one of the first places to check out.. .

-- Today, (25th. - US. Thanksgiving.), I visited at approx. 18.oo.hrs.;
- O'side. two smiling & young ladies reminded me to pay the 02.Bh. adm'n.!
- After a moment or two a couple of other young men entered and availed of the facilities; one of whom shewed himself discreetly - appeared to be std. Thai issue;
- He left before me and was standing o'side. as I left. He smiled at me, wch. I ack'd. and then I sat-down at a nearby table for any future developments - none;
- At another table was an obviously young & gay man; but an earlier work-out that a'noon. - at K-MALE CLUB., had left this TOF. with little energy for a second bout

KhunTST 3rd December 2010 05:25 AM

Sad to report that despite multiple visits over the last couple of weeks to the newly minted egg-shaped wall mounted porcelain pissoirs with shiny new chrome fittings, did not see one std. Thai issue or otherwise...

Is the 2 baht putting them off or may be my timing is just wrong...

sextile 3rd December 2010 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by KhunTST (Post 680599)
Sad to report that despite multiple visits ... I did not see one std. Thai issue or otherwise...
Is the 2 baht putting them off or may be my timing is just wrong ...

-- Probably neither yr. timing nor the 02.Bh. adm'n. charge.
- Possibly connected with the dearth of cruisers etc. along Rama IV. rd. between MCDO. and CHARN ISSARA TWR.1.?

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