Is there a map to be found...
...with all the various sexy places in Bangkok?
select "bangkok" on the left hand side, then see "maps" on the right hand side. |
The dreaded ned map is a bit out of date at the moment - last update was in 2007.
Probably the best updated maps of gay Bangkok at the moment are on Shamelessmack's blog (Google "shamelessmack" to get to it). However, he tends to have several small maps, rather than one big map showing everything. Several of the free mags available at the gay bars have maps in them, if you are happy to wait till you get to Bangkok. |
Though it seems strikingly rare that anyone who uses the CFS message board to post about Thailand actually contributes to our own listings, we do have listings including maps. Bangkok is found here: |
Will you help? |
-- 'I ha me doots.', as they say in N. BRITAIN. - In order to shew all of the various sexy places in BKK. on one map may well seem to be a good idea, but I fear lest the map might become rather large and unhandy were it to shew places with any pretense of the accuracy req'd. by visitors unacquainted with some of BKK's. smaller sois, sub-sois etc. etc.. - BKK's. sexy places are not confined to just the Rama IV., Si Lom, Naras Thiwat & S'wong. trapezium but spread-out from KHET BANG KHAE in the WEST to THE MALL - B. KAPI & beyond in the EAST, and from say NORTH of CHATUCHACK MKT. to SAM RONG & beyond in the SOUTH - virtually the whole of BKK.. - PLUS the fact that places can and do OPEN & CLOSE all too frequently would soon render such a map out-of-date; one has only to look-at the various freebie & monthly mags. to verify that. - Probably a series of smaller and of local area maps would be the better sol'n.? |
Or something based on more modern Google maps?
1. - A good idea; but how would this o'come. the problem of keeping it right up-to-date? 2. - Would yr. idea involve lugging a possibly expensive/valuable Laptop/Notebook with one and having access to Wi-Fi. or having access to a printer for that necessary print-out? 3. - But I do agree with you about trying to make better use of modern technology. :) |
We could open it up for editing to all regular posters on our board, and let them add, remove, and update at will.
No need for print-outs in this day and age. A decent cell phone is all that would be necessary (fake Blackberrys need not apply). GPS coordinates could even be incorporated for people with GPS apps on their phone. |
In my early days of cruising (any-one remember Spartacus - the size of a small telephone directory?) I used the maps simply as a guide to where the gay venues could be found. If one venue had changed names or moved across the street it didnt matter as much as giving me an idea of where (any-where in the world) to look for convenient hotels, and areas to start cruising. Rather like with changing vintages of wine, the fun is in discovering the latest venues in an ever changing scene, rather than looking for a specific venue on my (real) Blackberry using GPS co-ordinates (indispensable when navigating a light aircraft across the Australian outback, but total over-kill when seeking out a suana or host bar :) )
Not overkill at all in the year 2010.
I've been using an iPhone app called "Gay Cities". It locates you using GPS, then tells you what gay destinations are nearby, how to get there, what other users are currently there, and also gives opening and closing times, user reviews, and how to get there. Definitely not overkill if you are looking for detailed information and want to know how to get where you're going. Posted via Mobile Device |
We already use Google maps and incorporate GPS coordinates when they can be found. Maybe if we could start seeing more regular updates to our sex listings here at Cruising for Sex -- both new tips and updates to existing places -- you might be pleased to see how rapidly the information can come together in one place? We update almost daily, based on the information given us by men who visit these places. Of course the more details you provide (exact street address, phone number, hours of operation, etc), the easier it is to share more accurate knowledge with everyone who may or may not be familiar with this wonderful forum you guys maintain here, too.
The chief advantage to using our sex listings to do this over the methods previously used here -- posting a thread in this forum -- is that forum threads do eventually get stale and essentially become invisible over time. The sex listings are dynamic and evolving. We have staff who do nothing but maintain the listings. Trouble is, we rarely get any feedback from Thailand. Again I ask, maybe you all can help change this? |
thanks guys...
...for the guidance, and I'm glad I might have sparked something constructive. I promise to post/send-in updated info to any kind of map format you settle on, if ever as a newbie I come accross it.
-- Obviously I do not know howmany staff are employed or how they are organised. - But an initial suggestion is that you assign eachone an area of responsibility: ie. Mr. John is assigned to be responsible for keeping all TH. listings up-to-date; thus Mr. John goes through the TH. postings on an as-and-when basis and transfers the essentials from the TH. posting into yr. system. Any queries? Mr. John can contact the original poster directly for clarification, further info. or whatever. Thus, I, for example, would become accustomed to Mr. John contacting me to clarify a certain point or whatever. -- But others may well have better suggestions on how to spread the Good Word. |
I just looked at the postings on the map/guide section of CFS and submitted a reference for Mr. John to add for Busaba Massage....but could not find how to make a red flag appear on the map.
While looking through the other listings, I noted one for Proud 66 (currently my favorite massage place) that had a generic write up that was one of my postings in April in the massage locations thread. I didn't post the comment in the listing, but don't mind people lifting my postings if it is useful. I just added another because I like that place so much. I prefer to get coordinates for difficult-to-find locations because now everyone can have access to Google earth/Maps and find the spot precisely. I also have a MapMagic cd map of Bangkok that automatically shows the coordinates when you move the mouse. If you don't have the CD, you can still get the same data at: V 0.93 - Thailand's Online Map Portal!! |
sextile, before we go about re-arranging our procedures to handle Thailand, we might need to get some Thailand updates. We got one overnight (much thanks Yannawa!). I believe we've had a total of 6 updates all year long for Thailand so, needless to say, we need lots more actual information. For comparison sake, we normally receive 500 to 600 tips each week, most for the USA.
Anyone so inclined to help can go to our Thailand listings and either use the link in the upper right that says 'submit listing' (for a totally new listing') or if you see an existing tip that needs updating or for which you have recent experience, click the link included with every listing that says, 'Read all reviews and add your own, upload pictures, etc.'. Every submission is studied, edited and approved before it goes live. By the way, regarding the GPS coordinates, the map is smart enough to pick them up automatically -- assuming we have an exact address. If we don't, it does not generate coordinates and we have to manually do it. Your fellow cruisers would greatly appreciate the help, guys! On this I am sure. Thailand listings: |
Keith, I think you'll find that since Thai addresses are often not in numerical order), your map is not going to be smart enough to figure out where they are. The markers are going to have to be placed manually.
icon513, I'm sure Thai addresses will be a challenge. But so are those in Florence, Italy and Moscow, Russia, just to name two. We rely on those on the ground to help sort it all out. I hope we can count on you.
Generally, as a rule, realizing our audience is mostly Western and mostly American, we try to prepare things with them in mind -- to enter data that resembles what we were taught in terms of how things should be written. But we also try to honor local methods of saying and writing things. It is a bit of a balancing act, but it works. |
again_ as I just arr back in BKk a few days ago and am now catching up mwith all news etc. no time now to spend much on. Plus this computyer keeps asking me to log in after every post.
Thanks khun Keith for your efforts. BUt adresses here in Thld and BKK work quite different from those in Firenze or Mockba (local for Florence and Moscow)-you do need maps and more precise descriptions for many places out of that central area. Or just a mouthful of Thai to ask. Even google maps often do not show enough detail. Ex. another sauna nearby here (RamkamHaeng area)_named Nevada-it is actually in soi xx/3 and that 3 is important-as it is not the ''main'' soi=sidestreet, but only the 3d small alley after it. If you do not know that, you can go looking for hours without finding. But I'll try to do my best when I have catched up and more interesting things to mention. |
Nevada sauna ...
-- From my Address Book - NEVADA/MEETING SPORT CLUB.; R'haeng. rd., soi 81/4., Soi Buddy Mansion, Khet Bang Kapi, BKK.; - tel.: (02)-732 9574., (086)-733 8273.; -- It used to be known as A-MEN. - vide SAUNA OPTIONS, posting #32.. -- NB.: Depending upon the freebie mag. that one reads it's also a Karaoke bar, a restaurant etc. etc.. |
found it
By now I'm convinced the best maps are on in the "directions" link. It holds very detailed enlargements, which I found very helpful.
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