Dongtan beach
-- My two, Elderly & Am. Friends and I were at DONGTAN BEACH from 02-06 jan.; on the whole the weather was changable and far from what one might have expected for the height of the tourists' season: tue. was o'cast. with an English type drizzle for most of the day; wed. began o'cast. but then the sun broke-through fitfully between 11.-15.hrs.; thu. began brightly, clouded over with a slight sprinkiling of rain around 11.hrs., after wch. it cleared-up just a little; fri., (today), began quite brightly.
-- In our concession - by the hexagonal hawng nahm & opp. to TUI'S PLACE - most of the others were Germans, many of whom are hy. smokers of ciggies - ugh! - O'all. occupancy was approx. 50%. at the most. -- In gen'l. not all that many hawkers and/or sellers of DVDs., food-stuffs, ice-creams & trinkets seen; but plenty of masseurs - most of them wearing their blue & numbered jkts. - doing fairly brisk business, plus the usual & elderly ladies giving mani. & pedicures. -- In the next concession to out RIGHT v. few of the young men, who might be seen later-on working in the bars, were in evidence. -- :) |
Agree Pattaya / Jomtien now quite quiet- doesn't seem like high season.
In Sunnee Euro boys has re-opened and also a new Sawasdii go go (ex Boystown) on Soi Yen Sabai near entry to Sunnee. Not yet tried either as my Aussie thii-rak is staying with me for the holidays (which is sweet but cramping my style some-what !) Will be sampling from mid Jan :) |
Funny boys & vasa ...
-- My Enthusiastic & Am. Friend visited FUNNY BOYS and VASA A GO-GO BARS on 03 jan., (I was desporting myself in the Dark Side - a rpt. will follow.), so what follows will be reported speech -
-- He arr'd. quite early to find FB. nigh on full with three main gps.: Herr Markus, (mngr. of either AMBIANCE or of CAFE ROYALE.), & farangs, several of the bar's young men and having an enjoyable and not too rowdy a time; two gps. of Russians on either side of the stage who bawled at eachother, were there to spend ostentatiouly and to make disparaging remarks about the bar's YM.. Mde. Rose, the M'san., while happy to see all of their money was LESS so with their 'Nekulturnii.' behaviour. -- In the RE-OPENED VASA several of the young men on the stage looked to him to be all too young - scarcely of legal age? There were two other & elderly farangs, each with a couple of YM., who left soon after his arr'l. & without giving TIPS. to their YM. to judge from the latters' expressions; - Another & v. mature farang entered, closely followed by #2*. still in his street-clothers, and sat-down with a couple of YM., seeing #2. the farang offed all three of them! -- :o |
Some notes on sunnee plaza ...
-- As my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend doesn't like to visit what he calls 'The Dark Side.' I visited on my own -
EROS. - - Non-alc. drinks from 100Bh. and UP; - Approx. a dozen young men on stage, three of whom were wearing jock-straps and clearly indicating their preferences to the several & matuture farangs present; - One YM. & farang disappeared into the backroom for their own pleasures; several other farangs were getting to know their chosen YM. quite intimately; - Bkgd. music not too loud; no smoking of ciggies.. GOOD BOYS. - - Non-alc. drinks at 150.Bh.; - Some dozen or so assorted YM., mostly sitting on the stage - a few of whom were m'bating. rather half-heartedly while looking-at their cell-'phones.; - Bkgd. music loud enough; a couple of staff seen smoking ciggies.. TOM YUM. - - Non-alc. drinks at 140.Bh.; - Again possibly a dozen or so YM. on stage or sitting-down at the end opp. to the bar and looking-at their cell-'phones.; - A couple of farangs were offering inducements to those YM. who felt up to it - similar to what one might see in TAWAN CLUB. - Bkgd. music quite loud; only some staff seen smoking. NEW SAWARDEE. - - Fairly recently OPENED; the usual central & finger-stage approx. 5x20ft., seating on two sides and bar opp. to the door; - Non-alc. drinks at 120.Bh.; - Another bar with a dozen or thereabouts YM. all wearing briefs, and numbers on ribbons around their necks - two YM. both having the same number! - While I was there a gp. of three farangs entered and sat on the opp. side of the stage to me. Their offerings into the pot were MORE generous than I saw in TOM YUM, wch. possibly encouraged several of the younger participants to contribute enthusiastially. I noticed that after a while the older YM. - a couple of whom are VWE. - had retired, thus leaving the stage to the youngsters, who are of slighter build and endowments. Quite a few of the younger men walked amongst us, offering to shew themselves in return for a suitable ack.; - I'd position this bar as UP-mkt. from GOOD BOYS but not encouraging the OPEN intimacies seen in EROS; I must allow that I spent longer therein than is my wont and that 'Il vaut le retour.': ;-) - Bkgd. music quite quiet; no smoking. -- Just an aside: I prefer to drink Schweppes Lemon Soda wch. is avail. in FUNNY BOYS but in none of the bars that I visited in SUNNEE PLAZA.; in the latter I had to make do with soda-water & slices of lemon. -- :) |
Cartier a go-go bar ...
-- For my last night I visited CARTIER A GO-GO BAR.* -
- Doors OPENED at 22.hrs.; - Non-alc. drinks at 200.Bh.; - Half-a-dozen YM., none of whom was worth a second glance, danced on the stage three at a time; - Seven other spectators present; - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.35.hrs.; - The acts all followed the same format as I've seen previously - only the performers were different; - During one of the longeurs between acts one of the YM. sat next to me; after a while he took hold of my hand and placed it where he wanted. Being satis. he took hold of my hand and led me to the hawng nahm, where, Gentle Reader, I fear lest I might have to leave you as the Hand of Discretion ... . - I paid the bill and left soon thereafter; - Bkgd. music loud enough, several staff seen to be smoking ciggies.. - I would not feel disposed to return. --* Vide khun Orson's posting in this thread, #137.. -- :) |
behavior of Russians becomes a problem. Seen it several times and once the bar owner and other guest had enough - and threw them out. Not only screaming insults all over the place - being totally wasted- but also grabbing boys in violent ways.
Russians' homophobia ...
-- Web-site > The Baht Stop <-> FORUMS > OPEN FORUM > 'Russian homophoby will cause a problem in Pattaya.', might be of some & possible interest? -- :) |
Learning russian
-- It helps if you've been fortunate enough to have enjoyed a classical upbringing, as the Russian alphabet is based-upon Greek: 'Cyrillic.' is the word. - Additionally many words dealing with modern affairs have been taken more or less directly from English, thus knowing even a few Russian letters one may make an educated guess at the Russian and thus what is meant. - As is said in Mother Russia: 'Without toil nothing is accomplished.' -- :) |
I wouldn't rush to that conclusion.
I've run into hetero couples and large groups just out playing "look-see". |
-- Possibly, and on 'our' side might be one gp. who would not want to see its financial interests diminished because of CLOSURES resulting from one section of visitors' nekulturni-i behavior? |
As far I know the Thais. If their business is targeted by those trouble seeking Russians or Euro-trash...the Thai will stick togheter and "take care" of those guys.
And it will not have an happy end. |
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