Respond to Another Scam Artist on Gayromeo
I've let this message run for a while now as one of my friend said " don't worry about it" but i think so far its been a shitty thing just to sitting here and let people like you speak or talking shit about me while i am doing nothing as i thought i am i better.
today its come to the time when i really have to say something about this. first of all i know exactly who you are as there's no other shit stirrir in gayromeo but you. first of i have to tell you that i am so sorry that i actually said you are too old for me and somehow you put me on your hate list but whatever you doing won't make any of your gene better or making you a better person but stupid. you actually believe that people will buy a story that you actually sending someone money by an ATM?? sending to someone you not even know or met before? someone from an Internet ? What on earth were you thinking? seriously... if you live in bangkok and you actually online on gayromeo almost 24/7 with that picture of you an lame ugly underwear are you sure that you don't know that bangkok gay society is one of another scam and dangerous ?? i warn you now to stop talking shit or i will take this to another step. i will bring the police into this as this is nothing but insulting. i know who you are as there is something call IP ADDRESS TRACKER. so take this down or i will actually make it my way. the way that make more sense and let the justice and law decide that who is actually right. this is something that Gayromeo have to concern and also everyone who using this site have to concern. My gayromeo is newinbkk2010 and i only have one account and yes my gayromeo will never lead to anything scam or shit as i somehow indentify my profile to gayromeo by sending a copy of my passport to them so however. this is me and my pictures and i have a right as a user. many people on there not even use their real pic or recent one or lied about their age. someone like PITREVIE who always there in gayromeo hoping that somehow a nice young thai guy will have sex with him and get angry when a young boy want something out of him. what do you expect when you actually almost 70 years old and useless and have nothing to do but spent most of your day on internet? do you really like that a prince charming will just land on ur lap ? im sorry if i ever hurt your feeling by saying you are too old. if i only know that you are actually old and sensitive. i would just ignored your message on gayromeo but i was being honest. you should learn how to accept the truth. rejection is not nice.. but atleast its true. and incase the readers might wonder .. Pitrevie is Mperry022 on gayromeo :) |
Next I am not the only guy on here or GR that has accused you of being dishonest another user took the trouble of putting up a profile called NewinBkk2011 accusing you also and that was certainly not me. Now regarding buying my story about sending you money by ATM. You seem to forget that the bank keeps a record so that I can show proof that not only did I send you money but it went to your bank account so the fact that you deny that just shows how stupid you are and if you are prepared to lie about that then the rest of your statement on here is also suspect. I didnt initiate contact with you as you know full well, you contacted me telling me that you had just 80 baht left and could I send you money to help you out which I did. You know that is the truth so don't try and tell me that I am the one telling lies when I can so easily prove the transfer. How did I get your bank account number is that something you make freely available for farangs just in case they want to donate money to your bank account? |
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