someone trying to phish?
I have been getting e-mails direct to my personal e-mail address from someone who claims to be Australian, who sends jokes, etc. and has asked me several times to respond if I don't want to get his e-mails. I do not respond. I think someone might have infiltrated and obtained e-mail addresses from this site. Also, is that the reason for the big drop-off in posts?
It has been a very big story in the USA that the leading email host for bulk emailing was hacked about 2 weeks ago, an outfit called Epsilon. The hacker stole email address from Chase Bank, Barclays, Hilton, and on and on. That could be the reason you're getting these emails, but who knows for sure. I am almost positive we've not been compromised at CFS (and we don't use Epsilon), but I say that with fingers crossed as always. The hackers are always a few steps ahead of everyone.
If you could forward a copy of your email to me, I'd appreciate seeing it. I can be reached at You can read up on this big hack here: Wave of phishing could follow Epsilon hack - |
Sorry--I forgot to say, the purported Australian guy said he was new to THIS web-site, and was writing to me to try to be my friend, and started sending a bunch of "joke" and other e-mails (some with attachments). I did not open any of them, and I did not respond to this person. I suspect he's begging to get a response back so he has my-e-mail address. But I don't understand how, when he sends me an e-mail, it goes directly to my e-mail address, instead of as a message to me on this site (my mailbox here).
I just looked at your profile and your email address is posted and visible. That is likely how he got your email address. One can hide your email info, but apparently when you created your profile, you opted not.
Okay--thanks. I went through and hid it (I think).
Check your messages here on the board. I explained how to hide it.
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