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Old 28th July 2001, 08:11 PM
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Unhappy Staying hard

I have no trouble getting hard,but,as I have got older I have trouble getting hard again after I cum. When I was younger I could get hard again in about 10 minutes and cum 5 or 6 times.
I love going to Babylon and other saunas. when I off a boy i can only do short time as it takes me so long to get hard and cum again.
Often wondered about Viagra and what it would do. Reading the locked thread gave me terrific information about what it did. It would give me the ability to really cruise again. Massage afternoon, Babylon later, then the bars and a couple of offs,one for all night.
Please could the Cruismaster Junior make some allowance for us older cruisers. We are not all Juniors - I am a semi-senior.
After I had read about the Viagra and where to buy etc. I started planning my trip to Thailand in November. Please allow more info and experience of staying hard and what one was able to do etc. It would give my cruising
so much more sexy and enjoyable.
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Old 29th July 2001, 07:38 AM
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I really must object to this chat about Viagra. Helping people to keep a hardon has nothing to do with sex unlike the really horny thread on where to buy non-porn DVD's. Wow I spanked my meat raw on that thread!
Cummon guys - get real
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Old 29th July 2001, 07:57 AM
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Staying hard has nothing to do with sex? I beg your pardon. Try to slide a soft dick in a Thai boys' ass. I am 60 and i started using Viagra last year. My doctor asked how it was. I told him "it's a fucking miracle". I started with 50 mg but I had to move up to 100 mg. Life is worth living again. I understand they are about to bring out an advanced pill that lasts for 2-3 days. I can't wait.
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Old 29th July 2001, 12:08 PM
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I think its better not to use drugs to stay hard...i have always been horny simply because i always believed that the best sex stimulant is between my ears....eating healthily and practising helps too...naturally!
and its all better for the heart!

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 29th July 2001, 01:28 PM
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spooky, soiboy was being facetious.
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Old 29th July 2001, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Nov 2000
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Thumbs up

Read the Starait Times Article on JUly 29, 2001:
Traditional masseur goes online to serve clients
> by Reme Ahmad>
> YOU might want to call Pak Raja the Cyber Massage> Man.
> With his skullcap, goatee and thick glasses, the> 64-year-old looks out of place in front of a> computer.
> But this former naval officer runs a website> that advertises his traditional massage services> provided at his home and allows surfers to send in> questions about their health.
> The questions posted on his website are mostly> from men who have problems like erectile dysfunction> or premature ejaculation.>
> ''I have to give short answers although
> sometimes their problems are complex. It's easie> for them to come and see me for discussions,'' says> Pak Raja who gets an average of 20 e-mail messages day.
> The answers are typed in by his son, Mr Raja> Kamaruddin, 37, and e-mailed to the sender of the> query, with the same conclusion: Come treat your> problems at the centre.
> While Pak Raja's peers still advertise their> services in the newspapers, his son gave the masseur> the idea of putting his name on the Internet and> helped him to create the website three years ago.
> ''My generation doesn't need the Internet, but> people want things done fast now. So today, they can> get me directly by e-mail,'' says the navy retiree> whose real name is Haji Raja Ahmad.
> Appointments can be made via e-mail, though he> says most people would still call to confirm dates.
> About 20 per cent of his clients today use the> Internet to make appointments.
> Beside the computer is a fax machine. Both are> located in the main massage room on the top floor of> his double-storey terrace house in Cheras in eastern> Kuala Lumpur.
> To save time covering the same ground over and> over again in his e-mail messages, Pak Raja plans to> post answers to some of the most frequently asked> questions on the website.
> ''We are thinking of putting up 50 frequently> asked questions and the answers. That will make it> easier for people to identify their sickness before> making appointments for the massages and> treatment,'' he says.
> But since sex is not a subject discussed openly> by Malay Muslims, Pak Raja uses polite code words to> describe the problems faced by the men to The Sunday
> Times, and how he would go about solving them.
> The services he provides are in demand.
> After all, up to 1.68 million Malaysian men above> the age of 40 may have some degree of erectile> dysfunction, according to a study by the Malaysian> Urological Association.
> The problem could be caused by old age, disease,> or the use of certain drugs as part of medication.
> Treatment includes the use of devices under the> supervision of urologists and drugs like Viagra, it> said.
> But Pak Raja believes in the traditional way,> with a little help from the Internet.
> He says men who are ''weak in inner power''> cannot give ''spiritual food'' to their wives.
> The masseur said he learnt his skills in> treating men with sexual problems during his visits> to Medan, Indonesia, while working in the Navy.
> He declined to say how much he charges, but added> that the fees ''do not come to thousands''.
> He also declined to give details of what exactly> he does to improve performance, saying that that was
> a client's privilege.
> ''I adjust their blood veins. Just like a water> pipe, sometimes things can get clogged,'' he said,> smiling.
With love
from Turtle
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Old 29th July 2001, 08:22 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

If you look at the personal details of the instigator of this thread he gives his age as 26!(at time of my posting)

That aside ageing is a process and wistfully looking back at what you could do in your youth is a waste of time.Your body does not lie.
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Old 30th July 2001, 03:21 AM
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Well I can tell you that I tried this stuff for the first time and although I have never ever had problems with getting it up or being middle aged or something I do think its important you have a partner readily available within the hour you take this stuf. I took a quarter of a tablet and can tell you I almost wanted to fuck the cat of the neighor matter of speaking after I took this!. Nothing special just supper horny and the usual rockhard situation.Not 6 times that's crazy but 4 times for sure. Its more a matter of taking care of your dick that he doesnot get too sore. Its hot stuff this viagra
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Old 31st July 2001, 12:50 AM
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It would be nice to think that sex is only between the ears but a long goes on between the legs too. Viagra turned me from a bottom into a versitle top. Oh my the first time I was able to slide my cock into a tight Thai ass.....oh my.....what where we talking about again? I've found 50mg works most of the time if I haven't eaten lately. On a full stomach 100mg may not work. I've also found I get a great hardon the next morning too. Of course if I lost some weight I probably wouldn't need the stuff as much.
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Old 31st July 2001, 02:31 PM
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Wellll................ I can tell you all that this Viagra is indeed a wonder drug. Just a little pill taken once or twice a week.... not more..... and you act like a 20 year old again. Im 50's and after a few times of feeling completely inferior to these gorgeous guys spreading their loins for you while there you are semi hard and going limp fast I finally said enuf. Time to do something about it . It's so easy in Pattaya 500 baht for 100mg. Every drugstore knows about it and has it no prob. But its more difficult in Bangkok I was in Sapan Kwai and they either were ignorant of it or refused to sell it . Better to go to patpong in Bangkok I think Pay 500 baht for 100mg and 400 baht for 50 mg Dont pay more. Believe me that lil blue pill works fine Even lasts me 3 days TRUE
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Old 1st August 2001, 07:07 PM
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Why wait until you go to Thailand for Viagra? You can buy it on the internet from Kwic-Med for $6 a tablet. You have to fill in a form for whih there is a payment, but after that you can get repeats. Works out about half the price you pay in Thailand.
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Old 1st August 2001, 11:11 PM
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Not kwic-med, but
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Old 2nd August 2001, 07:25 AM
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Guys...this wonderdrug sure does wonders. However, I hear there's a lot of fake drugs on the over-the-counter market in Thailand. However, it may be just all in the mind...and then even fake blue starch tablets does the job! As long as it goes up and stay up...who cares if the blue one was real or fake!

[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: condor88 ]
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Old 2nd August 2001, 04:14 PM
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Problem is that kwik med wants a $65 doctor consultation fee ib top of $12 for 100mg tablet
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