CRUISING for SEX Thu, 19 Sep 2024 15:44:54 -0600 PhotoPost Pro 6.02 Desert Clean Up <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="29425212_10211230220855882_347052826603552768_o.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="29425212_10211230220855882_347052826603552768_o.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: LittleNoGag<br /><br />Description: Lots of local join forces when the call goes out. Then we barbeque! LittleNoGag Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:41 -0600 Thinking <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="42435048_10212488662756143_4697719199823298560_o.jpg" border="0" src="" alt="42435048_10212488662756143_4697719199823298560_o.jpg" /></a><br /><br />by: LittleNoGag<br /><br />Description: Charitable hearts doing a rescue residential makeover for a tiny little local great grandma in need on a 117 degree day in Quartzsite. We installed new AC, terlet and insulated sun blasted windows on the outside with reflective bubble wrap and aluminum tape. Materials paid for by this generous community in Quartzsite. LittleNoGag Mon, 19 Aug 2024 23:53:47 -0600