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Cruiser Gallery Home > Cruisers > luv2fuc469

please cumsucmycock

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Uploaded By: luv2fuc469
Description: hardcock4u
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Registered: Oct 2002
Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:36am

you are one hot looking man woof
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Registered: Jun 2004
Posts: 10
Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:51pm

Hey nice cock and I am sure a tasty ass to suck on too. I would love to suck on your hot asshole and cock then have you fuck me deep for hours! but I do not have a clue where you are. I am in northern california and very ready
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Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 14
Tue Oct 3, 2006 5:24am

wow man hot pic would love to suck that cock of yours and then let you fuck my tight manhole!! contact me if interested man!!
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