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Cruiser Gallery Home > Cruisers > cheno

cheno's dick

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Uploaded By: cheno
Description: how you like my foreskin dick?
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Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 176
Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:56pm

¡me gusto mucho!
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Registered: Oct 2006
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Thu Oct 5, 2006 8:35pm

Beautiful cock! Every man should be so lucky!
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Registered: Jun 2007
Posts: 78
Mon Jul 2, 2007 6:19pm

mmm... i'd love to coax that cock head right out and suck it til your balls are empty
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Registered: Aug 2007
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Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:06pm

damn tasty i can imagine. it makes me proud to be a cocksucker.
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