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Cruiser Gallery Home > Cruisers > curioustoo

Virgin mouth and ass
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Uploaded By: curioustoo
Description: Bi-curious,looking for my 1st time.
Tags: Sucking
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Registered: May 2002
Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:19am

hi-looks like you're ready for some real fun...tell me what you like, and when you're available. mwm here-available days...
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Registered: Nov 2002
Posts: 2
Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:24am

Really hot! you won't have any trouble finding some fun!
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Registered: Sep 2005
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Wed Sep 7, 2005 2:24pm

hi....just registered, looking for first-time experience. let me know how it turned out. mwm/50, smithtown
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Registered: Jan 2005
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Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:30am

30's, six ft/205lbs; straight appearing; clean; regular guy here on Long Island. Looking for no strings.
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