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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 17th February 2002, 08:07 AM
Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 10

Never a one to let sleeping dogs lie, I went back to Babs this evening just to see if we had made any difference; and I have to say I think we have. The staff were going out of their way to say thank you and be pleasant to their customers (except the little thing at the desk who barely looked up from her computer game of patience) and the floors were distinctly cleaner.

However (there's always an however), the music from the live combo was simply awful. The singer was miked to be effective in Madison Square Garden and the piano wasn't miked at all. In the courtyard the effect was simply risible - a lone singer unaccompanied but for a faint wailing from a distant saxophone. I know... I know... we're lucky to have live music at all. Well not, actually, if it's that awful.

It may just be coincidental but if the powers at Babs have got to know about what is being said here, we seem to have had the right effect.