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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 20th February 2002, 10:52 PM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 5

Elgar, blessed are those who bring us the glad tidings of good things! It's a shame the best East-meets-West sauna in Bangkok can't seem to do 2 simple things: rid of the funky smell and move around some partitions so that we can cruise anywhere throughout their office hours. Have they finally done it, or the only improvement is that they started saying thank you for our putting up with all that? )

P. S. I'm sorry for inadvertently offending the feelings of "them chintz-loving Ah-Bengs and purported Eurotrash" in my previous post and thus causing their flaming if short-lived outburst. I'll try to be more considerate next time. +big grin+ Fancy a noogie, girls?