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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 12th March 2002, 10:33 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 5

Glad you had your fun a babs. I have to agree with a couple of the correspondents that the place is getting dirty and there is definately some safety issues to be taked care of. Have to say though that some of my friends and others now don't go to the foam parties or participate in them following skin infections.

I know that it's too late to complain but I do so agree with many others that the old Babylon had a great atmosphere, and that the present clientele are definately more insolent, there is less social chit chat as there used to be when you sat in the roof garden area of the old place and the guys would walk up to you and sit and chat or play eye games with you from across the way.

As to the Barracks, well, I have to admit I have never paid to stay there. I have stayed a few nights there with guys I have picked up and I have ended up having some very hot parties at 4,5 6 o'clock in the morning. The weekend atmosphere there is reminisent of the New York and Philbeach hotels in Earls Court in London and Trades in Blackpool. Guys walking around most the night having sex out in the open, guys with their doors open as an invite to enter for some fun. Now that is really cruising for sex!