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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 16th March 2002, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 5

Was at Babs today and have to agreee the guys are not as attractive or as friendly as I reacll from the old palce. Perhaps my views jaundiced by the views expressed here. I did go with the objct of not getting my balls emptied so I can use my Zinc suppliment but as an observer. My view is that it's not really the state of the place, friendliness of the staff, facilities etc, but that so many of the guys I knew 3 or 4 years ago have moved on either back home to get married (under family pressure), have moved either to Europe, Australia, or North America, and just not around anymore, and that the quality, outlook, and friendliness of the guys at Babs now, is just not the same as the guys there before. In fact, I tend to make out with more Europeans than Thai/Asians these days. Some of the Thai's in Babylon now just look plainly annoyed at you if you look at them, and seem to have forgotten how to smile in that special way.