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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon again!
Thread: Babylon again!
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Old 15th April 2002, 04:23 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4

I used to work in the HIV/AIDS field for several years. Here's some information from the SF AIDS Foundation:

HIV Survival Outside The Body
Generally, when people ask the question, "How long can HIV survive outside the body?" they have come into contact with some body fluid that they think might contain HIV, and are worried about transmission. Almost always these questions are about casual contact, and we know the virus is not transmitted except during unprotected sex, sharing needles, or through significant and direct exposure to infected blood.

Length of time
The length of time HIV can survive outside the body depends on:

the amount of HIV present in the body fluid;
what conditions the fluid is subjected to
In a laboratory, HIV has been kept viable (able to infect) for up to 15 days, and even after the body fluid containing it had dried. However, these experiments involved an extremely high concentration of the virus which was kept at a stable temperature and humidity. These conditions are very unlikely to exist outside of a laboratory. HIV is very fragile, and many common substances, including hot water, soap, bleach and alcohol, will kill it.

Risk of transmission
The chances of becoming infected with HIV by handling a body fluid are extremely small, because that fluid will rarely have access to a person's bloodstream. However, anyone handling blood, semen or vaginal fluids should be careful to avoid touching them with broken skin or getting them into mucous membranes (such as those around the eye). Spills of blood should be mopped up, cleaned with soap and water, then cleaned with bleach. For maximum safety, the person cleaning the spill should also wear latex gloves, and should wash the hands thoroughly after the cleanup.

Exposure to air
Air does not "kill" HIV, but exposure to air dries the fluid that contained the virus, and that will destroy or break up much of the virus very quickly. The CDC reports that drying HIV reduces viral amount by 90-99 percent within several hours.

It angers me immensely that Babylon does not offer any safe sex information, gives only one condom, uses probably unsafe lube, provides lots of skin lotion (which Thai guys use a lot and don't know it damages condoms) and then can't even keep the place clean (proper drainage, etc.)