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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - My Tentative Itinerary
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Old 30th November 1999, 02:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Post My Tentative Itinerary

Hey guys:

I'm launching this forum so you can help me figure out those places I have to personally visit during my extended road trip which starts in mid-December, lasting probably 3 months. Once I get going, I'll post updates about the 'research' I've collected and the guys I've met -- maybe including some very hot pics!

My tentative itinerary is as follows:

1. Leave San Diego on I-8, working over to Phoenix for 2 or 3 days research.
2. Next I-17 north to I-40 to drive eastbound, heading first to Albuquerque for some research.
3. Continue down I-40 to Amarillo where I take Highway 287 towards Dallas. I've seen lots of adult bookstores on this stretch and want to check them out.
4. Stopover in Dallas and Fort Worth. Never been so hopefully this will be fun.
5. Take I-20 east then I-49 south and I-10 east to New Orleans to spend a few days and pick up my boyfriend.
6. Boyfriend and I head off together down I-10, stopping in Tallahassee and then taking I-75 south to Orlando and my first trip to the P-House.
7. Drive to south Florida for more research including lots of time around Miami area. Filming m4morgy on January 15 in Miami.
8. Head north again, probably going along the Gulf Coast and stopping in to see Tampa, etc.
9. Head into Georgia for some 'research' in south and central Georgia.
10. Time with family -- no research.
11. Drive into Atlanta for some quick research before taking I-75, then I-24 for a stopover in Nashville.
12. Hop on I-40 to start the journey back home to Southern California. Gotta stop at the Habana, of course.
13. Continue on I-40, turning south at Albuquerque for the drive down to El Paso for more research.
14. Take I-10 west and to I-8 and a return to San Diego.

All this is subject to change and that is where you can help.

Hope to get some feedback soon, guys!

