LOL, I can't believe I follow this column.
Maybe it is because I am just old enough to remember the days when sex was guaranteed when you visited these places. The management knew what was going on, my first blowjob was the hairy man behind the counter!
I was in my teens, weeks went by before I got the courage to ask..."Wanna blow job?"
"Well, yeah!" he said. ;-) There were no
arrests or anything of that sort. Well, things have changed a bit, oh sure, sex can
be found nowadays, but something is missing, I'm not sure what.
Now, I want to whine about that this has become a country of bottoms! City after City,
Page after Page, it's the same story...
"Looking for dick to suck...Wanna take it up my ass...blah, blah, blah. It's all on your website! Even the girls at work complain
there is no real men to be found! I don't have any answers. Hope you found this enjoyable to read.
Yes, have a safe trip back.