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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Promoting Censorship
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Old 17th January 2001, 12:40 AM
Posts: n/a

I have read through the posts at this place (past and present). I see that others have been closed. I do not know how many others have been deleted.

I think that this place has potential. But, like bongo suggests, it can only be as good as the guy running it. Just like anything else, the posts and people who dominate posting here are probably a reflection of the man running the place. He, in a lot of ways, sets the tone.

Keith, you claim that you feel slighted by bongo's comments. Yet, you do not acknowledge how others here may have felt equally slighted by having their posts ceremoniously erased without a warning or an explanation. I understand that CFS allows all cruisers to remain anonymous. Why is that rule suddenly up for grabs since your vanity has been wounded? Now, you are demanding explanations and that people identify themselves. You do not see how hypocritically you are behaving? You undeniably apply one set of values to yourself as the head honcho while you clearly ignore the same feelings of others who participate at CFS. Bummer.

I do not know what happened at the incident bongo is talikng about in his post. But, based on your reactions, I can easily see how you don't get it -- in more ways than one. That also goes for the guys here who are implying that no one has a right to bitch or challenge you because you are the bigshot. SHEESH! I guess none of us should ever challenge our boss, question our peers, or challenge any authority figure, huh? We should all play follow the leader and act like sheep, right? You don't have to be a hen to know a rotten egg when you see it, and you don't have to own a web site in order to challenge the actions of the owner of one. Then again, maybe the guys defending you are just fellow Republicans or they actually do feel that it is unwise to challenge authority. Sorry, guys. "BAAAAAH -BAAAAAAH," is not in my vocabulary.

Aside from the freedom of speech and political stuff, this seems basically about common courtesy. It was just plain rude to erase a post without offering a warning or even an expanation as to why it was deleted. Offering this forum after the fact is a day late and a dollar short. The damage was already done. So far, I don't see Keith even attempting an apology. This shows no respect at all for the guys who claim that they were insulted and slighted by what happened. Yet, Keith is going on and on about defending his own image in response to another cruiser's comments.

Your priorities are clear to me, Mister.