I wish people would stop saying things like, "Are you man enough to ...?" Manliness has nothing to do with it. I am trying to stop questioning whether I am manly or not. Suppose you think my mannerisms are effeminate? Should I change to please you?
You really mean to say I should have the courage to criticize Democrats. But that doesn't take a lot of courage, don't you think? It might have taken courage to oppose passing an anti-sodomy law at the time it was being considered. Maybe it passed unanimously because the idea of legalizing sodomy never occurred to anyone at the time.
Yesterday's news brought the report that gays are still legally second class citizens. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a claim from a homosexual whose supervisor encouraged his co-workers to ridicule and harass him. The court held that homosexuals were not entitled to legal protection from such abuse.
Which party do we turn to in the question for equal rights? Certainly not the Republicans. The Republicans are the traditional home of bigots like those Rutherford Foundation affiliates, the ones who believe that "unrepentant" homosexuals should be put to death.
Don't stay a Republican and work for change within the party. Leave that party altogether. Become a Democrat! Ours is the party of real inclusion. We won't cheat you out of your vote.