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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Right Wing Homophobia
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Old 6th April 2001, 03:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Jake2001. I think Sundog is deliberately fucking with your mind. He has baited you several times and you have responded very predictably. He certainly has put you on the defensive based on the tone of your responses. But, that is what happens when you let someone get inside your head.

I do have some practical advice I'd like to offer. Argumentum ad hominem is pointless. There is no doubt you both have firm convictions based on political ideology and principle. This is abundantly clear in both of your postings. It is commonplace in this age of special-interest groups and bitter partisanship to personally attack a person rather than deal with the issue that was raised. On that point alone, I would strongly suggest there should be no topic that cannot be discussed and debated publicly and in full without being subjected to attempted intimidation by character assassination.

In truth, there is no reason why any topic, however contentious, cannot be discussed in a civil manner. It is my belief that whenever people reveal themselves to be uninterested in discussing a topic, they should be ignored. They are following the totalitarian model where one's opponents are not bested in arguments but shouted down, intimidated and, in the end, coerced into silence.

I think you will agree that disagreement is an artform in healthy debate on issues. Argumentum ad hominem is not a suitable substitute for defending anyone's point of view.

I think both you and Sundog need to turn down the rhetoric and stick to the topic.