It looks like Sunny is black and blue! LOL! Did we collectively hit a nerve, Sunny? LOL! I too am glad to be included in the esteemed company of Guyncol (the SHARPEST and BEST moderator on these boards as far as this man is concerned!), Swallow, bongo, and any of the other independent thinkers you mentioned who refuse to be fooled by your game-playing and obnoxious baiting, you asshole.
It amazes me that you have been allowed to get away with the outrageous crap that you have been pulling on these boards for so damn long, Sun. People may use different handles here at CFS for any variety of reasons. But, YOU are the only poster I know of who actually uses multiple identities IN THE SAME THREAD to engage in self-congratulatory talk with each other in order to defend your own rhetoric. JESUS!
It certainly is no mystery to me why you are so venomous towards Guyncol. He alone is the ONE moderator at CFS who read your beads to you a LOOONG time ago. He also came very close to exposing your masquerade when he went to check the IP log to reveal where several of your identities ACTUALLY came from at one time in the not too distant past. I am sure that you will NEVER forget or forgive him for that one, Sunny. Your imaginary "gay youth" identities that you ushered in to support your desire to "mentor" young boys, etc. They miraculously vanished from threads Guy was moderating when a confrontation took place. Of course, you knew that Guy would not let you get away with your baiting, phoney game-playing, and you had your "siblings" make a hasty departure.
Ass rimming? I just about puked when you trashed Guy while brown-nosing the moderator (Horndogg) of this forum for not confronting you the way that Guy did in his forums.
I wish you would get a bunch of your checker playing gin buddies and go play charades somewhere else, Sun.
Your welcome here has worn REAL thin with quite a few people besides this man.