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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Right Wing Homophobia
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Old 10th April 2001, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Lex: Groovy posts but you're probably wasting your breath if you think Sun is going to reply in any substantial way. Under the Immoderator`s Code of Etiquette it's okay to dismiss someone with "blah blah blah" or characterize them as "neo-Marxist" but not okay to, um, call them names. Perhaps, one day, Horndoggy will address this odd policy.

from Sun, to me:
>>The reason why we have a Sexual Politics Forum is because we no longer need to post in the Sex Advice Forum. The moderator of this forum, unlike the moderator for the 'other' forum, does not censure our postings to silence unpopular disent and disagreement with 'his' point of view. The moderator of this forum has been very fair and has not attempted to silence us. >>

Um, where have you been? He has deleted posts, locked threads and generally attempted to redirect conversation when it took natural turns toward different subjects. Are you really present, Sun? Do you have ANY interest in reality? I¨m beginning to think you really ARE a south Fla. senior citizen, half-asleep with early Alzheimer´s, a libertarian brochure on your lap. Yo! What color are you today? Yo! Who´s that kid you´re mentoring! YO!

By the way, it´s a matter of record that Bush was going to close Sandy Thurman's AIDS office. I`m glad he's had second thoughts but I seriously doubt it´ll amount to more than an empty gesture.

Sorry for the multiple postings...I don´t have access throghout the day to the internet. I¨m in Europe for a month, where I might add, anti-American sentiment seems at a record high in recent years.