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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Republican Cocksuckers
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Old 16th February 2001, 11:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Jake, my good man, your endless liberal polemics are only exceeded by the intellectual dishonesty of your views. I'll make it easy for you to understand.

There is no gay liberation movement today. It died a slow agonizing death because it lacked a consistent and cohesive vision on the basis of ideology. The earlier Civil Rights movements of the 60s and 70s resulted in the achievement of political and economic empowerment for ethnic minorities and women because they shared one ideological vision of liberation. In marked contrast, the gay rights movement has beaten a hasty retreat from its vision of sexual liberation for everyone. Instead, the gay rights movement has embraced integration and assimilation into existing social and political structures which are decidedly heterosupremist and homophobic. It is difficult to identify with a movement whose primary focus and goals are to win 'official approval' for gay marriages, gay families, and acceptance into the military. Since the 1969 Stonewall Riots, our dream of sexual liberation has been co-opted by tradeoffs and minor adjustments in the economic and political spheres of empowerment. What happened to the sexual empowerment of all people?

Liberation and freedom cannot be achieved only in the economic and political arenas. There must be sexual empowerment for everyone as a complementary facet of the same vision and the same dream. To achieve sexual liberation, our vision must be to liberate the repressed sexual potential of eveyone rather than to seek special treatment for a special kind of person who has adopted a 'gay identity --- Gay People.

Granted, there might be a genetic basis for why people are homosexual or why people are heterosexual. But, as we have seen over the centuries, people change or adapt their sexual behavior depending on the circumstances, the political climate, or over the course of their lives. There are myriad social and cultural variables that differ from person to person, and these variables represent the potential for varieties of sexual expression that lie within the reach of everyone.

Conjuring up Conservative Gay Republicans as arch-villians and bogeymen does not explain why the Liberal Left has all but disappeared from the gay liberation movement. Endless liberal polemics only widen the ideological gulf that currently exists within the Gay Community.