A lot of guys think decadence is sophisticated, so they do boorish things like throw wine glasses against the wall. But that's not sophistication, it's just drunkenness. Not everything over the top is fin de siecle, some of it is just crude.
Many people who need permission to act out sexually would probably be better off staying in the closet. Repression isn't the worst thing than can happen to you in this nasty world, my friend.
We are seeing an increase in gay mortality, and we ought to address it. I relate it to the rise of the right wing, and some right wingers object. No surprise there! But they are obviously wrong not to see the menace in things like the Ashcroft nomination.
By all means, let us discuss these things. When we use the term "politics" let us not limit it to elections and voting, etc. It's larger than that.