I don't mean to sound paranoid, but...
So, technology is the answer. Technology in the hands of the government. Technology in the hands of the government with the added information of my sexual proclivities & health history. This is supposed to be a dynamic mechanism? Yikes.
Counselling sessions with the local health department? I'm supposed to let my local city government hire some kind of trained professional? Yikes, again.
Back to technology, this time information technology. A personal access code? How long could this remain confidential before some "ex-gay", or whacked-out religious person, or someone else with an anti-gay or anti-sex agenda figures out the system & decides that the community needs this information?
I personally just don't think I could trust any branch of the government with this kind of information. Our improving status within this society is pretty tenuous, it could change for the worse, quickly, at any moment under the right, (or wrong) conditions. It's a very short step from volunteering for a program to being compelled to enroll.
The Sex Wizard admits that this is an imperfect system. I would say that our most primal current need is to stay alive, & that while protection & monogamy are also an imperfect system, they do meet our deepest human need for survival.
I wish I had something different to suggest but protection & monogamy seem to be what is called for to be responsibly sexually active in these times that we live in.
In a previous post I mentioned total isolation. Pornsizedguy suggested an island. For an eletist group of irresponsible men either of these ideas sound like the way to go. Maybe FOX can capture it all on video & market it to help defray the costs.