Perjury - giving a false statement either in writing or orally; violation of an oath; a willful falsehood; a lie.
Ordinary private citizens have gone to jail for perjury, a criminal act at both the state and federal levels of government.
Bill Clinton broke the law by committing the crime of perjury. He was subpeonaed by a Federal Court to give a sworn statement in the form of a written deposition in the civil suit filed by Paula Jones. The deposition Clinton gave in writing in that civil suit contained perjured statements made by Bill Clinton. The Federal Judge in that case later determined, as a matter of law, that Bill Clinton had indeed provided perjured statements in his deposition. Bill Clinton was subsequently fined thousands of dollars for providing perjured statements in his deposition.
In law, it does not matter what is lied about. It is the fact that he lied while under oath to tell the truth. A sworn deposition compels a person to affirm the truthfulness of their statements under the penalties of perjury for giving willful false statements.
When you signed your tax return for 2000, you signed your name on your tax return. You signed that tax return, under penalties of perjury, by declaring your tax return and accompanying schedules and statements was examined by you and to the best of your knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete.
The President is expected to set the moral tone for the nation, including exemplary honesty, religious faith, and integrity. The question of Bill Clinton's moral leadership assumed greater importance as both the media and the public examined the private life of Bill Clinton with closer scrutiny. As many people correctly concluded, Bill Clinton's moral leadership was seriously flawed by his lack of honesty and personal integrity.