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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - taking it bareback at you favorite abs or theater, your stories please
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Old 1st April 2004, 03:07 PM
Trendane's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 14
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The Golden Throat Award.

For those of you familiar with SF sex clubs, BlowBuddies should be a recognizable name. I used to go every Thursday night, from when they opened at 9, until around closing (and my co-workers always wondered why I was a zombie on Fridays).

One of the last times I went there, I was sitting in the main room, taking a break after just about having my cock sucked off by a glorious bear with a talented tongue. I was watching the porn projected on the big screen and occasionally watching the guys in the alcoves sucking whatever dicks came through the walls at them.

On guy in particular caught my eye. Almost directly off to my right, all I could see was his back. He had a tight, toned body packed into firm blue jeans and a white, ribbed cotton tank top. His baseball cap was turned backwards as his head bobbed up and down on the cock in the hole in front of him.

The way he twisted his head in sweeping circles made it all too clear that this boy *KNEW* what he was doing. And above him, over the top of the wall, I could see the expressions of the guy he was working. He had the tormented blissful look of a man being held on the edge by a pro.

I knew I had to get my dick into that mouth.

I watched as he finally finished the guy off, pulling the cock from his mouth and letting it fire a salvo over his shoulder. Without even looking up, the kid turned, swiveled his cap around to the front, leaned back against the side wall and set to watching porn, arms folded over his chest.

Another cock came through the hole. The kid glanced at it, looked up at the guy peering over the wall, looked back at the cock....and then went back to watching porn. Denied!

Eventually, that guy wandered off and the next man stepped up to the plate. The kid repeated the cycle of looking things over, then turned his cap around and set to work. Looked like there was a pattern.

I got up and walked up the half flight of stairs that brings the cocks of the outer walkway to the level of the faces in the alcoves in the center of the room. I paused for a moment, positioned so I could see my target as he finished that guy off. Again, letting the load fire over his shoulder.

The pattern repeated again. The next guy was denied in favor of watching porn...and the man after him was serviced. Every other guy. Pattern established. Target aquired.

When I got to where my little cocksucker's gloryhole was, I noticed a short line. Popular kid. Unfortunately, the way the count lined up, I'd be one of the guys denied. I had to find a way to adjust my place in the que.

Fortune smiled on me and one of the guys in front of me got tired of waiting and wandered off. I was set.

I could just barely see him through the hole, cranking his head around in swirling gyrations that, at any other time, would have me fearful for his health. The guy he was sucking started to moan loudly and I saw the kid pull the cock from his mouth and let the load fly over his shoulder.

Without a word, the spent man stepped off and my boy resumed his posture against the wall, watching the screen. The man in front of me stepped up, stuck his cock through the hole and waited......and waited.....and waited. He wasn't getting the hint. Finally, he did...and wandered off.

My turn.

I stepped up and slid my cock through the hole, looking down over the top of the wall at him. He glanced at my cock and didn't even bother to look up. The cap swiveled around and he wrapped my shaft in what has to be one of the most powerfully skilled throats I've *EVER* felt.

He worked my dick like a madman, using every trick he had to try and get me off quickly. But that wasn't going to work with me. I've been filling mouths for a loooong time and when I'm faced with an especially good one, I don't cum as quickly as I should. I bask in the pleasure and enjoy it for a good long while.

Whether it was dogged determination or simple stubborness, this kid would not give up. The others had been 2-3 minute jobs. He was already passing 5 with me.

I reached over the top of the wall and lightly dragged my sharpened claws across his shoulder. Surprised, he looked over and, realizing it was me, he lashed out his tongue and licked across the palm of my driving glove.

Okay. That was hot. He looked up at me, smiled, and sort of whispered a "WHEW!" before diving back down with a furvor. I had him. He definately wasn't giving up now.

He slammed his face to the base again and again, milking each and every inch of my mast with that exquisite throat, twisting his tongue, lips and head around with each stroke.

I felt the urge rising quickly. I knew this wouldn't take long now. I clamped my hands on the top of the wall as the wave began to break over me. As the climax grew, I started to lose my mind into that thrashing, lupine mentality that takes over.

Somewhere in the corner of my awareness, I could hear the plywood wall in my hands creaking as I strained to push every last atom of my shaft into that boy.

I started to growl as I often do when I cum. And my universe shattered as I felt his fist and mouth lock around my pole, sucking with everything he had left. I fired off the full remainder of everything my nuts had left....and he took it.

He chugged it down hungrily and didn't bother stopping. He kept right on sucking at full speed, which I love.

My throat was raw from the feral noises I was making, I could feel the splinters in my hands from the wood....but I didn't care. Gradually, he slowed his assault on my meat and pulled it from his mouth, licking it's full length like an obedient pup.

I reached over the wall again and patted him atop his head. I smiled down at him and nodded like a proud father saying, "Good boy."

The smile I received was wide, bright, and genuine. He'd definately enjoyed himself...

Damned shame I never saw him again. I'd have loved to have repeated that....or found out if his backside was equally accommodating to a cock like mine. Ahwell....maybe....some day.
I'm not crazy. I'm merely sane in the same way that Velveeta is cheese.

More Wolf than bear. If you don't know the difference..I guess I'll have to teach you.
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