I ran the adaware program from lavasoft on my teen's machine today. He had three spyware programs on it. one was favoriteman, one was sahagent and I can't remember the third.
I ran it on my laptop and our other machine. Both had cookies, but no .exe's.
I'm not too religious about Windows Update because I run Win98 on everything. I run it about once a month to update IE. I refuse to run Outlook. Everyone has web-based email which keeps the malicious junk to almost nil.
I do run McAfee on all the machines and update it weekly.
I have a wireless network connecting all our machines. My router can detect two other networks nearby. One is locked down using encryption protocols. The other is wide open. I don't know which neighbors' networks I am seeing. I use Mac addressing as my main defense. So if either neighbor tries to access my network, they'll have no luck.