Thanks, Mr. Doctor, Sir.
I don't want to get into a mushy love-fest here, but it's well worth noting that at least a full one-third of anything I happen to know has been taught to me by two terrific doctors I've known online through these many years. Yourself, and the doc who started "The Body" website. He's not the guy in the photo on the home page, and I see no reference to his real name on the site anymore, so I'm not sure if he is still associated with it -- but he's a great doc, deeply concerned and involved with the gay community, safe sex, and HIV prevention, much as you are.
With you here, I feel as though there's a safety net in place: you'll correct anything we might screw up, add finer detail where needed, and provide fresh insight into certain aspects of medicine which we may not have considered.
I think it's important every once in a while to just step back and say "THANKS" for being here. I suspect you are much more appreciated than you may imagine. A little reminder never hurts...
Love the flashlight test! Here again: something new I learned from you. Also -- wouldn't have ever guessed how varicocele might actually FEEL. Good stuff here! You have a good sense of humor, too. That, and your down-to-earth advice is comforting to those who need answers fast.
End of love-fest. Don't reply -- it'll get far too gushy.