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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Gonorhea Alert
Thread: Gonorhea Alert
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Old 1st August 2004, 03:21 PM
Voyeurism _R_Us
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10
Lid or Parachute or Raw

I have not posted here in a while but have now returned to weigh in on this topic. Here's my story:

I have done "oral" WITHOUT a condom twice. The first time was in 1979 (yes, 1979) with a friend and the last time in 1998 from a "hot college guy" (yes, 1998, 19 years later). After the 1998, oral session, I came down with a SEVERE throat infection in my tonsils 2 days later. I went to a walk-in clinic and and then had to go to an Ears/Nose/Throat guy to have them aspirated and was given some Clindalmycin (sp). After a week, everything was ok. I've not done oral since, condom or not.

I don't know how it is where you all are but I went to a walk-in clinic and the doc first game me Zirithromycin (sp) because he thought I might (MIGHT) have Gonorhea (the tests came back negative). I did tell him I had oral sex 4 days earlier and the next day got this bad sore throat, accompanied by a horrid mouth odor. He then referred me to a Ears/Nose/Throat guy who did the aspiration and gave me the Clindamycin. He NEVER told me what was in the fluid drawn out of my tonsils and treated me like I was some "slut" who was going to missuse the meds he gave me. He would not give me a refill but told me if I needed one I had to come back to see him. Personally speaking, I think the guy had issues with gay and/or black patients. It was embarrassing enough to have to fess up about my personal business but I wanted to get well and just got the meds and got the hell out of there. Some docs are real shits about sexual matters.

Odd Question: I thought the "hot college guy" was acting strange like he was trying to "give me something". I know that sounds strange but I should have trusted my instincts and not have hooked up with him. Luckily, whatever it was I got from him was cured but this just goes to show you it could have been worse. When I went to the doc at the walk-in clinic, I was telling him that along with the horrid mouth odor, I also had an "oily/metal" taste in my mouth. Evidentally, this bit of info signaled something in him that he decided to give me some Zirithromycin. Whenever a doc gives meds and DOES NOT tell me the side affects or much of anything about them, I go to my local bookstore and research the med before going to the pharmacist. One of the side affects of a Climydia medication is an "oily/metalic" taste in the mouth (I forgot which med it is). I often wonder if this guy I hooked up with had "something" he was being treated for and his meds had not kicked in yet. If any of you happen to know what that medication is that leaves this "oily/metalic" taste in your mouth, please provide that info to us readers of this thread - Dr Danny, can you help?

Unless you absolutely positively know the person you are doing oral or anal with is d&d free - BE CAREFUL - protect yourself or use 1 or perhaps 2 condoms. You'll get laughed at and some guys may pass you up; at least you'll live and not end up potentially catching something you CANNOT GET RID OF - - AIDS!
Love to watch people have sex and even join in if I get the urge to. See picks in my gallery.
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