I agree somewhat with the other responses, but think Scruffy's has a bit of an alarmist factor to it. No offense dude.
My Doctor has said to me that the risks for HIV infection from topping are minimal. The thing is, if the bottom you're fucking has andSTD like Gonnorhea, the virus is plentiful at the site of infection which is the asshole and puts you more at risk of infection. Other than that, if the bottom is free of STD's, lubed, clean and you're scrape free and what not, the risk is minimal.
As far as other nasty STD's go, anything is game. You can get all the other nasty's very easily from topping bareback so choose well who you fuck raw. Although these other STD's are curable, they make for a very uncomfortable few days, visit to the Dr's office and what not. Some may say this is worth the price of a hot raw fuck, it's really you're own way of risk management that will determine what's okay for you and what's not.