I met a guy at a cruisy location in Atlanta. He said that he wanted to play... a little light body contact, j/o and oral. Bi-closeted guy who didn't play much. Good match for me. He invited me to his place which was nearby. We were in the living room mostly naked and in the act when.... the door opened and his wife (!!) walked in. I didn't even know he was married. Well, you can imagine what followed... she totally freaked out, was screaming at him, and he was trying to calm her down. Meanwhile, on the side, I was getting dressed as quickly as I could. She never said anything to me, really didn't look at me much. He had retreated towards the kitchen and she followed him, physically attacking him. Fearing the sudden intrusion of a butcher knife or something, I very quietly slipped out the front door. As I was leaving I could tell he was watching me and I just nodded. What could you do?