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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Old Guys Need It Too
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Old 5th November 2004, 01:52 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119

Everyone, without exception, is going to get older. It doesn't matter if you are Gay, Straight, Bisexual, or whatever label you are subscribing to these days -- all will get older. We might as well accept the inevitability that we are all going to get old.

Now, so what if you are 50, 60, 70 or older? Yes, 50-something males want and need sex. So do 60, 70 and older males. This is not a well-guarded secret. I'm in my 30's and I plan to have lots of sex for as long as I desire it.

As a 30-something male, who was once a teenager and then a 20-something male, I do not subscribe to the school of thought that teaches us aging is a vice or sin and we ought to avoid it at all costs. You might be several generations removed from the current generation of young males that have just emerged from high school with only a rudimentary knowledge about what makes their penises erect and causes their testosterone levels to fluxuate, but it is not a valid reason buy into the thinking you no longer fit in or are welcome in a culture you helped to create. The reason why we have a Gay culture is because of those men who came before us and made great personal sacrifices to become a part of that culture when the odds were stacked against us. The odds are still stacked against us even though we have made many steady gains over the years.

As a 30-something male, I am always mindful and greatful for those who made it possible for me to be a part of a gay culture that emphasized the unselfish principle of inclusiveness. It seems to me that a 50-something male has earned the respect and right to be included in a culture they helped to build. In that respect, a 50, 60, or older male ought to be included in our culture since it was they who made it possible for us to be a part of that culture today.

There are some aspects of our gay culture that need to be addressed in the context of how we fit into that culture. The very idea that we must somehow comform to some "idealized fitness" norm is pure, unadulterated bovine scatology. A simple "fuck you Charlie" would be the most appropriate response to someone who would dare to suggest older males are no longer welcome to be part of a culture they helped to create. And should someone dare to suggest you must comform to this "idealized fitness" norm to remain a part of that culture, a simple "Fuck you Charlie" response is the only appropriate answer to anyone who thinks along those lines.

If you are a Gay teen or a 20, 30, or 40-something male, be damned greatful to those older males who made it possible for you to be a part of a culture they helped to build despite some of its shortcomings. Our gay culture is not perfect and neither are the men who are a part of it. Our gay culture was and is built upon the principle of inclusiveness. If growing old and not comforming to this "idealized fitness" norm are sins, we might as well join the legions of men living their lives in isolation on the margins of society.

When I become a 50-something male, I have no intention of living my life in isolation on the margins of society. So, at this point in my young life, I'll simply say "Fuck you Charlie" well in advance of my golden years because I mean to offend those who merit such contempt. If gay culture is to thrive, we must do what is in the best interest of everyone. What is key to gay culture and it's growth is the bedrock principle of inclusiveness. Anything less is unacceptable and ought to offend our sensibility. Those who have contributed to that culture not only deserve our respect, they are also entitled to the same undiminished dignity and the grace that accrues over an entire lifetime.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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