It's already Saturday night and odds are good that you are already rolling, so probably this comes too late...
The thing is, you can't know WHAT is actually IN the ecstasy you are taking. It's supposed to be -- I don't know... GHB or MDA or some other three letter synthetic drug, I think. These are EXTREMELY dangerous all by themselves. It becomes even more dangerous to do X because X tabs are almost always NOT just one "pure" designer drug. Usually they are mixed and cut with WHATEVER. Could be some coke in there. Some crystal meth. Some Valium. Some acid. Could be anything, dude.
Poppers aren't going to react in any dangerous way with hallucinogens like acid or pot. But who the hell knows what can happen with anything else and who the hell knows what, exactly, you are taking?
If the descriptions I've read concerning X are true (I have never tried and never will), you won't NEED poppers anyway.
Leave them out of the picture.
We can't predict what will happen to YOUR body, either. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs.
I won't lecture you to avoid X, but I hope it's OK if I say I'd rather you don't do it again.