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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Old Guys Need It Too
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Old 7th November 2004, 03:25 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 9

[quote]Originally posted by GuyTopeka

Do you look a tired 60? Youthful 60? Is there a twinkle in your eye and a ready grin on your face? Or do you have a hangdog expresssion? Do you reek of desperation? Guys can spot desperation a mile away and usually steer clear of it.

What do you smell like? . And be honest, how many days ago did you bathe? If I whiff something unpleasant, I'm not going near you.

Are your clothes clean and free of stains? Or do you look as if you used your t-shirt for a napkin/bib? If your clothes don't appear clean, the judgement call is that you are not clean either.

And what do you want when you go to the ABS? A blowjob?, handjob? to Top? or to Bottom?

THANKS FOR ALL THE THOUGHT THAT WENT IN TO THE ANSWERS TO MY POST,. I am 6'2", 260 and am often told I look much younger. Every day I bath and don clean clothes. Personal hygene is high on my list of requirements for my self. Twinkle in my eye? Must have as I often am sought to play the role of "Santa". Sorry, I did not mean to give the impression I was looking at only younger guys, I love to satisfy and be satisfied by anyone any age 20's to 80+'s. I think the point of my post was, those who did stay were more than satisfied and wanted to meet for more. Unfortunately for me, coming from a very conservative Southern background, I only gave in to my interest in other men in my later years so I feel like I missed out on a lot. So, I am not asking for anyone to do anything (or anybody) that is a personal turnoff, just consider looking past a stereotype and giving it a try. You might be surprised how hard some of us may try to see that you achieve complete satisfaction. KINGR
Lookin' 4 more
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