I didn't say that society does NOT tell us what is attractive, it certainly does. For further reading if you're interested search for "The Socially Constructed Body" by Judith Lorber and Patricia Yancey Martin. It's based on femenist theory, but I used that for a recent paper of mine with the theory that this also holds true in gay culture.
Back to what I was trying to get across. I'm only speaking on a pure animalistic attraction at an ABS. It doesn't get any simpler than that. A hot guy, culturally radioactive or not, is most likely going to be attracted to, IN THAT SITUATION, someone who is around their age group and as fit as he is. This isn't because of anything sociological, just plain biological.
Let me ask you this. If you're cruising a local park or what not, do you pass up the fit hottie or go for the older, obese guy? Be honest with yourself. Also, given your screen name, are you a victim as well as what society tells us whats attractive? Are "feminine" guys unattractive to you because of a natural personal preference or because our culture, media and society tell you it's a turn off? Why do you make it a point to assert your "butchness" or "masculinity" on a sex site? No judgements, as I know why I do. It's because I want to attract the same.
As far as being culturally radioactive, so are obese people. In fact, some people will live longer with HIV than people who are obese. Heart disease is a leading killer in our country and want to talk about walking time bombs, well, a candidate for a heart attack is just that.
I do agree Butch with most of what you post here and understand where you're coming from. I just think we are missing a common ground here on what the issue at hand is.